
What does Buddhism say about drugs?

What does Buddhism say about drugs?

Buddhists believe that addiction is a particularly extreme form of attachment. The person turns to alcohol or drugs in the belief that this can ease their suffering, but it only makes things much worse because it increases the feeling of craving.

Can Buddhist take medicine?

Buddhists generally are willing to take any medicine that helps. Some Buddhists will be wary, and will wish to know the effects of any drug that alters their emotional state or clarity of mind, because of the fifth precept.

What do Buddhist believe about drinking alcohol and smoking?

A traditional Buddhist reason for abstaining from alcohol and drugs was that intoxication inevitably led to the breach of other precepts, he said. Alcoholism and intoxication of the substances are a costly burden on the modern societies. The teachings of Buddha do not say anything directly about smoking.

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How do I become a Buddhist?

Yes, anyone can become a Buddhist. You will need to take refuge in the Triple Gem and follow a ceremony during which you take a vow to uphold the Five Precepts (to not kill, not steal, not commit sexual misconduct, refrain from false speech and not take intoxicants that lessen your awareness).

What does Buddha say about sickness?

Buddha has often referred to medicine as the most suitable analogy for the Noble Truths: Know the sickness, Abandon the cause of the sickness, Aspire the cure and Rely upon the medical treatment. In the same way one should: Know the suffering, Abandon the cause, Obtain the cessation And follow the Path.

Can Buddhists take pain killers?

Because Buddhists believe the mind must be as alert as possible at the time of death, many may decline pain medication or limit its use. Pain assessment for a Buddhist patient is the same as for any other patient.

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What happens if a Buddhist breaks a rule?

“defeats”) are rules entailing expulsion from the sangha for life. If a monk breaks any one of the rules he is automatically “defeated” in the holy life and falls from monkhood immediately.