
What does Colour and creed mean?

What does Colour and creed mean?

a set of religious beliefs. People of all races, colours, and creeds have to live together.

What is the real meaning of creed?

1 : a brief authoritative formula of religious belief the Nicene Creed. 2 : a set of fundamental beliefs also : a guiding principle Never settle for mediocrity is his creed. —

What does regardless of creed mean?

adv. 2 Informal regardless; without due consideration.

How do you use the word creed?

Creed in a Sentence 🔉

  1. My family creed is biblical in nature and focuses on love and respect.
  2. Since I do not believe my company’s creed that the job should come before the family, I am looking for a new work opportunity.
  3. The firm does not discriminate against any employee, regardless of gender, race, or creed.
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What is the meaning of Assassin’s creed?

The Assassin’s Creed, often referred to as the Creed, was a code and guiding philosophy of the Assassin Order upheld from the High Middle Ages until the modern era. Al Mualim, one of the Mentors of the Order, once remarked that “[they] are nothing if [they] do not abide by the Assassin’s Creed”.

What is a synonym of creed?

doctrine, teaching, ideology, ethic, dogma, tenet, catechism, credo. beliefs, principles, canons, articles of faith, maxims, rules, laws.

What is an example of creed?

The definition of a creed is a belief, particularly a religious one. An example of creed is faith in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. That which is believed; accepted doctrine, especially religious; a particular set of beliefs; any summary of principles or opinions professed or adhered to.

What is your personal creed?

A personal creed is more than an affirmation. ‘Creed’ comes from the Latin word ‘credo’ which means “I believe”. So a personal creed is a statement of belief about who you are. A personal creed is a blueprint for how you live your life.

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What does live your creed mean?

A creed is a set of beliefs, principles, or opinions that strongly influence the way people live or work. their devotion to their creed of self-help.

Which Assassins Creed should I play?

That way you can learn the basics and know where it all started. But if you really just want to play a good game, start from Assassin’s Creed 2. It’s the best one and should not be skipped at all. Actually, it’s a trilogy: AC 2, AC Brotherhood, and AC Revelations.

What is the antonym of creed?

What is the opposite of creed?

agnosticism atheism
dubiousness nonbelief
incredulousness unbelievingness
unfaith lack of conviction
lack of belief lack of credence