
What does Emerson mean when he says no kernel of nourishing corn?

What does Emerson mean when he says no kernel of nourishing corn?

When he refers to “no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till.” I believe the plot of ground he is referring to our own personal mind and body. This is what each of us has been given to till.

What does Emerson mean by planting corn?

Emerson likens a man’s awareness of his own ability and identity to the idea that he must plant corn himself if he expects to eat corn.

What is the meaning of tilling your plot of ground?

When he suggests that individuals must “till” the land, it indicates that individuals must substantiate the order of the world which is overall good, and they cannot take it for an assumption.

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Why is imitation suicidal?

To imitate is to see something and decide you would rather model that you see than value your own self. It is born out of a painful uncertainty and lack of trust in yourself. It is self-immolating.

What does Emerson mean by a shadow on the wall?

He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall”. Here Emerson is talking about the ability to try something new and change one’s mind. Transcendentalists like Emerson were into the idea of discovery. Going with the status-quo, as many of us do, never leads to discovery or change.

What does Emerson say about consistency?

It is the source of one of Emerson’s most famous quotations: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.”

What does this sculpture in the memory mean?

What does he mean by “this sculpture in the memory” Emerson means the sculpture in the memory represents one’s unique talents and abilities. according to emerson when is a happy person relieved. when he puts his heart into his work and done his best.

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What are Emerson’s claims about imitation?

Insist on yourself; never imitate. — Ralph Waldo Emerson.

What Emerson thinks about consistency?

What does Emerson mean by with consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do?

In any case it is always good to consider the whole quote for better context, “With consistency a great soul has simply has nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall”. Here Emerson is talking about the ability to try something new and change one’s mind.