
What does gratiano mean by saying I am Sir Oracle?

What does gratiano mean by saying I am Sir Oracle?

“I am Sir Oracle” means I speak with the authority of the Oracle. The Greek Oracle conveyed God’s will, and was received by all without any question.

What is meant by I am Sir Oracle let no dog bark?

Answer: ‘I am Sir Oracle’ means that I speak with the authority of the Greek Oracle. The Greek Oracle made known the will of God and were received by all without questions. ‘Let no dog bark’ means that let no one speak.

What does gratiano say at the very end of the play?

Answer : Gratiano says that he cannot understand why men should be sad. He further says that he is so frankly saying these things to Antonio as he cares about him a lot and wants to make him happy.

What according to gratiano is the reason for Antonio’s melancholy What does he mean when he says I am Sir Oracle And when I open my lips let no dog bark?

Answer: Gratiano is referring to the meloncholic or sad mood of Antonio in which he himself didn’t know what was the reason for his sadness.

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What was gratiano advice to Antonio at the end of the speech?

At the end of his speech, Gratiano advises Antonio not to be one of those who try to gain a reputation for wisdom by being silent. He further tells Antonio not to use melancholy as a bait to win the reputation of wisdom and cheap popularity, which is like a worthless cheap fish, a gudgeon.

What is meant by Sir Oracle?

sir oracle means in the merchant of venice, that they were men who were respected for their silence and when they open their mouth the ears listening to them would curse the person speaking even though they knew that cursing is a sin. hence they ask antonio to not to turn in sir oracle.

Do you agree with the speaker about gratiano Why?

YES; Because, Gratiano has just told Antonio that he does not look well and that he is much too serious. He tells him that those who care too much about the world tend to lose the little they have. He says that Antonio does not look his old self.

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Who was Sir Oracle?

What does gratiano advice Antonio here how does Bassanio describe gratiano after his exit explain the first two lines of the extract?

Gratiano adviced Antonio not to try to gain reputation by being silent. Explanation: Antonio was upset as his business of merchandise was not working well, so when Gratiano saw this sadness, he asked him not to be upset and melancholy. Gratiano states that he is advising Antonio in love.

Is gratiano right in his comment on Antonio’s melancholy What is your view of Antonio’s melancholy?

Answer: No, Gratiano is not right in his comment on Antonio’s melancholy Antonio is not trying to win any reputation for wisdom by looking melancholy. Our own view of his melancholy is that he is by nature a melancholy man; and he himself also explains his melancholy as something temperamental and inborn.

What does gratiano advice Antonio?

Answer: At the end of his speech, Gratiano advises Antonio not to be one of those who try to gain a reputation for wisdom by being silent. He further tells Antonio not to use melancholy as a bait to win the reputation of wisdom and cheap popularity, which is like a worthless cheap fish, a gudgeon.

What makes gratiano utter words?

Gratiano, one of Antonio’s friends, utters these words when Antonio remarks that he feels he is destined to play a sad role on the stage of life. He says that some persons pretend to look wise by keeping quiet.

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Is Gratiano the speaker in The Merchant of Venice?

Yes, Gratiano is the speaker, but the “I” refers to Antonio, who remains solemn and silent, as though he was an Oracle, about to deliver a message, waiting for the audience to fall silent. Is the play “The Merchant of Venice” by William Shakespeare a form of anti-Semitism?

What is Act 1 Scene 1 of The Merchant of Venice about?

The Merchant of Venice Translation Act 1, Scene 1. In Belmont is a lady richly left, And she is fair and—fairer than that word— Of wondrous virtues. Sometimes from her eyes I did receive fair speechless messages. 170 Her name is Portia, nothing undervalued To Cato’s daughter, Brutus’ Portia.

What does Gratiano mean when he says Let me play the Fool?

From the opening remark “Let me play the fool” Gratiano has a point to make. That “If they (Antonio) should speak, would almost damn those ears (Gratiano, Bassanio, Lorenzo), which, hearing them, would call their brothers (Antonio) fools”.

What does the beat tell us about Gratiano?

It also tells us perhaps that Gratiano is impulsive and will speak his mind. To highlight this, I would like to draw your attention to the beat beginning, “I tell thee what Antonio…” and finishing with “let no dog bark”.