
What does Holden mean when he says he wants to be a catcher in the rye?

What does Holden mean when he says he wants to be a catcher in the rye?

Holden believes to be the catcher in the rye means to save children from losing their innocence and entering adulthood. Holden sees himself as the catcher in the rye by saving children from falling off a cliff. The children who are playing in the big field of rye are not [looking] where they’re going.

What does Holden’s dream of being the catcher in the rye suggest about his character?

In Catcher in the Rye, Holden’s dream is to be the catcher in the rye, meaning he wants to stop children or anything that may still be innocent from falling over the edge. This basically means he wants to preserve the innocence. It has done nothing to help Holden, but weaken his condition.

What is the significance of Holden wanting to be a catcher in the rye what things has he done or tried to do during the course of the novel to try being a Catcher in the Rye?

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Holden wants to be the “Catcher in the Rye” because he wants to enable children to stop growing up and having to face adult problems. However, Holden’s dream is unrealistic. No one can really stop children from growing up or shield them completely from the problems associated with maturing.

Why does Holden not want to be an adult?

Possibly the main reason to why Holden doesn’t want to become an adult is his perception of “phoniness” and hypocrisy surrounding adult society. Holden shows his criticism towards most of the grownups who intervene in his life, specially those related to his schools. …read more.

What does Holden say he would like to be if he had a choice?

He says he likes talking with her, but Phoebe answers, “That isn’t anything really.” Phoebe changes the topic and asks Holden to name something he would like to be. After some consideration, he says he would like to be the catcher in the rye and explains to her what that means to him.

What does Holden fantasize about?

What does the fantasy reveal about Holden? The fantasy is almost comical in how biting a description Holden gives of himself. Instead of imagining a scenario in which he is a fighter, he paints a carefully detailed image of how he would allow a tense situation to fade out.

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What is Holden’s dream job and why?

What is Holden’s dream job? Being the Catcher in the Rye. To help children stay innocent and not fall.

Why does Holden want to deaf?

Later, Holden decides to flee to the West where he will live as a deaf mute, ideal because he wouldn’t have to talk with people.

What chapter does Holden say he wants to be the catcher in the rye?

Chapter 22
That’s all I’d do all day. I’d just be the catcher in the rye and all. This, the passage in which Holden reveals the source of the book’s title, is perhaps the most famous in the book. It occurs in Chapter 22, after Holden has slipped quietly back into his apartment and is speaking with Phoebe.

How does Holden feel about adulthood?

Holden views adulthood as phony, hypocritical and fake while childhood in his mind is a world of innocence, honesty, and joy. That is the main reason why he wants to be a “catcher in the rye” to protect and save all the children from falling into the phony adult world.

How does Holden embody adulthood?

Holden can’t deal with reality like an adult, so he does what a child might do and pretend to believe the worst. Another example where Holden expresses his caught-in-limbo feelings is when he asks cab drivers about what happens to ducks during the winter when the water freezes.

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What reason did Holden give as to why he was leaving school early?

The obvious reason Holden leaves Pencey is that he’s flunking out.

What does Holden’s hat symbolize in the catcher in the Rye?

In this regard, then, the hat also becomes a symbol of his inability to shed his immaturity and his childish reluctance to embrace adulthood. The The Catcher in the Rye quotes below all refer to the symbol of Holden’s Red Hunting Hat.

What happens in Chapter 25 of the catcher in the Rye?

The Catcher in the Rye Chapter 25 Summary & Analysis. Phoebe, a child, accepts Holden’s scheme. In doing so, and in giving back his “protective” hat, she forces Holden to protect her. And to protect Phoebe, Holden has to give up his alienation and be realistic.

How do I Track themes in the catcher in the Rye?

LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Catcher in the Rye, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. In Grand Central Station, Holden sleeps on a bench in a waiting area.

Why does Holden replace meet with catch in the poem?

Holden’s mistake—replacing the word “meet” with “catch”—only further highlights Holden’s mixed-up perspective and mental fragility: He’s inserted his deepest desires into the line of a poem and song.