
What does Holden say about the graffiti?

What does Holden say about the graffiti?

In Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, Holden finds graffiti in Phoebe’s school. He is concerned that the kids will see the nasty words and that some “dirty” kid will explain it to them, and that they will think about it and worry about it. It seems he is concerned for the welfare of the younger children.

Why is Holden unable to rub off the second F word he sees on the school wall?

The scrawled curse words enrage Holden because he can’t stand the idea of somebody purposefully corrupting children. After delivering the note for Phoebe, Holden exits the school by using a different staircase. On his way out, he notices yet another “Fuck you,” and this time he’s unable to rub it off the wall.

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What is the significance of Phoebe’s riding the carousel and reaching for the gold ring?

His acceptance of Phoebe’s need to “grab for the gold ring” indicates that he sees her as a maturing individual who must be allowed to live her own life and take her own chances, even though she may fail or fall. Children must do this, and adults must let them.

Why is Holden hanging around the cannon freezing What does this say about his personality?

It is a sign of good fiction-writing technique that the author will introduce a character by showing him doing something that is “in character” or “characteristic.” Salinger chose to introduce Holden standing all alone in the freezing cold at some little distance from his school and trying to get some feeling about the …

Does Catcher in the Rye have curse words?

The most reoccurring curse words are “goddam” occurring over eighty nine times, “hell” occurring over sixty three times, and “damn” occurring over thirty nine times. Today, most of the cursing in the book would not even be considered PG-13 if it were put in a movie.

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Who is the narrator of the story where is he when he is telling the story Catcher in the Rye?

Holden Caulfield
The Catcher in the Rye is set around the 1950s and is narrated by a young man named Holden Caulfield. Holden is not specific about his location while he’s telling the story, but he makes it clear that he is undergoing treatment in a mental hospital or sanatorium.

What is it that Holden does not like about pencey prep and why the advertisement and the headmaster?

What is it that Holden does not like about the Pencey Prep advertisement and about the headmaster? Holden doesn’t like Pencey Prep advertisements because they are phony and false advertisements. He doesn’t like the advertisements because they say they have horses there at the school but in reality they really don’t.

Is Holden watching Phoebe on the carousel?

Chapter 25 concludes with Holden feeling happy as he watches Phoebe ride on the Central Park carousel. He confesses, “I was damn near bawling, I felt so damn happy.” But Holden also admits he doesn’t know why he feels so happy, or why he’s on the brink of tears. The chapter ends there.