
What does Honorary Consul mean on a license plate?

What does Honorary Consul mean on a license plate?

Honorary Consuls (U.S. citizens or residents appointed by a foreign jurisdiction) are excluded from the Federal Diplomatic Vehicle Registration Program (Consul Corp), but may be issued Honorary Consul License Plates by DMV. The vehicles have a 12/31/XX expiration date and must be renewed annually.

What does Honorary Consul mean?

In addition to the Embassy and eight Consulates General, there are also many honorary consuls in the U.S. ready to assist you with advise and counsel. Honorary consuls are called „honorary“ because they perform their work on an honorary basis and are not paid a fee for their services.

Do honorary consulates issue visas?

Besides helping to promote German-US relations in their region, honorary consuls are also able to assist US and German citizens in some legal and consular issues related to Germany. However, they are not authorized to provide all services, e.g. they are not allowed to issue visas.

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Who gets a consul license plate?

(1) A registered owner who is an honorary consul or official representative of any foreign government may apply to the department for special license plates for a motor vehicle owned or leased by the honorary consul or official representative.

Do honorary consuls pay taxes?

Unlike career consular officers who are exempt from customs duties and taxes at all times on articles imported for official and personal use, honorary consular officers (who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents as per the above definition) are exempt from customs duties and taxes on goods for official use, i.e. …

Is an honorary consul an ambassador?

Honorary consuls are not career diplomats. They are usually citizens of the host country, where they live, work and pay taxes. They are designated by a foreign government to look after the affairs of its citizens.

What is the difference between honorary consul and honorary consul general?

The Honorary Consulate help out the consuls, with things like enhancement of relations between the two countries. While in the Honorary Consulate, the Honorary consul-generals are not given any form of immunity. In the Consulate, the consuls are diplomats of the foreign country, so they are paid by the government.

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Who appoints honorary consul?

An honorary consul is appointed by the minister responsible for foreign affairs for a period of five years (§ 5(1))26.

What is the meaning of Consular Corps?

The Consular Corps is the state’s diplomatic and commercial representatives for nearly 60 countries. Consular Corps representatives serve the citizens of their nations and facilitate business, trade, education, cultural and international understanding between their respective countries and the Commonwealth.