
What does Imela mean in Igbo language?

What does Imela mean in Igbo language?

”I me la” is a word showing appreciation to the recipient. When you hear speakers of the Igbo language say words like “I me la” or “Da lu”, they have received a favour from the recipient. Literarily, ‘Imela’ or ‘I me la’ means ‘You have done well’. In other words, ‘I mela’ means ‘Thank you’.

What does Duru mean in Igbo?

In Igbo culture males are usually associated in naming with issues such as: deities, e.g. Ala (earth deity), Kamalu (thunder deity), Anyanwu (sun deity), etc.; religious objects, e.g. Ofo, Ogu (symbols of innocence); mysterious phenomena, e.g. Onwu (death); concepts of greatness, e.g. Duru (Greatman of Utility), Osu ( …

What is the response for Daalu?

Lesson Vocabulary

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Mhm or oo Thanks too
Daalu Thanks
Ka emesia Good bye
kedu/ndewo Hello
Ndeewo Thanks, you too

What is the response to Daalu in Igbo language?


Term How are you? Definition Kedu / Kedu k’mere
Term Good evening (rare) Definition Ezigbo mgbede
Term Good night: Let the day break Response: Let it Break Definition ka chi fo Ka abuo
Term Welcome Definition Ilola or Nnoo
Term Thank you Definition Daalu OR Imela

How many dialect does Igbo have?

30 Igbo dialects
There are approximately 30 Igbo dialects, some of which are not mutually intelligible. For the most part, however, differences are lexical and phonological (Ethnologue). The large number of dialects has hindered the development of a standardized spoken and written Igbo.

What does it mean when someone is lucid?

1 : having or showing the ability to think clearly lucid behavior. 2 : easily understood lucid writing. Other Words from lucid.

What is the meaning of name Chimeremeze?

Meaning : God called/ made me a king.