
What does it mean when someone says what are the odds?

What does it mean when someone says what are the odds?

The odds are the chances that something will happen. If something strange happens people often say, “What were the odds of that?”, which means: “I can’t believe that happened. The odds were against it.”

What are the odds responses?

Member. “what are the odds” is synonymous with “what are the chances”. Both phrases can be used somewhat rhetorically (i.e., not a genuine question, but a question the person feels he or she knows the answer to). Essentially, it can mean “Do you really think it will happen?” or “Don’t you think it will happen?”

What are odds examples?

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The odds are defined as the probability that the event will occur divided by the probability that the event will not occur. So, in this example, if the probability of the event occurring = 0.80, then the odds are 0.80 / (1-0.80) = 0.80/0.20 = 4 (i.e., 4 to 1).

When was the word odds first used?

Odds was used for “unequal things, matters, or conditions” from c. 1500, and the later senses may have evolved generally from this earlier notion of “things that don’t come out even.”

What does it mean to be odd person?

When you describe a person as odd, or that they’re exhibiting odd behavior, it means they’re peculiar and out of the ordinary.

How do you explain odds ratios?

An odds ratio (OR) is a measure of association between an exposure and an outcome. The OR represents the odds that an outcome will occur given a particular exposure, compared to the odds of the outcome occurring in the absence of that exposure.

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Why do we use odds?

When is it used? Odds ratios are used to compare the relative odds of the occurrence of the outcome of interest (e.g. disease or disorder), given exposure to the variable of interest (e.g. health characteristic, aspect of medical history).

Why do people use odds instead of probability?

Although probability and odds both measure how likely it is that something will occur, probability is just so much easier to understand for most of us. For example, in logistic regression the odds ratio represents the constant effect of a predictor X, on the likelihood that one outcome will occur.

What did odd mean?

1 : differing markedly from the usual, ordinary, or accepted : peculiar a very odd way to show gratitude. 2a : not regular, expected, or planned worked at odd jobs. b : encountered or experienced from time to time : occasional manages to get in some reading at odd moments.

Where does the word odd come from?

Odd comes from the Old Norse word oddi, meaning “point of land.” Points of land so designated in Old Norse being roughly triangular, oddi was over time generalized to mean “triangle.” Since a point of land can be seen as the apex, or tip, of a triangle, with the other two angles forming a pair at the base, the word …

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How do you describe odd people?

nounperson who is bizarre, unusual. beatnik. character. freak. hippie.