
What does multifaceted personality mean?

What does multifaceted personality mean?

A multifaceted person has many abilities, or a personality with many sides to it. Definitions of multifaceted. adjective. having many aspects.

What does it mean to be multifaceted?

: having many different parts : having many facets.

What is a better word for multifaceted?

What is another word for multifaceted?

able accomplished
varied various
versatile flexible
multipurpose universal
multitalented multifunction

Is it multifaceted or multi faceted?

Dictionary and Word of the Day. Define multifaceted: having many different parts : having many facets—usage, synonyms, more.

Is Multifacetedness a word?

The state or condition of being multifaceted.

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Can a word be multifaceted?

having many facets, as a gem. having many aspects or phases: a multifaceted problem.

Why is self considered multifaceted?

Previous research has shown that people ascribe more traits to themselves than to others, and more traits to liked others than to disliked others, suggesting that the self and liked others are viewed as “multifaceted.” A limitation of those studies was their use of generally desirable traits.

What is a multi layered person?

: having or involving several distinct layers, strata, or levels multilayered epidermis a multilayered personality.

What is multifaceted antonym?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for multifaceted. oversimplified, simplified, simplistic.

How do you use multifaceted?

1. The defense had shut down the multifaceted Detroit offense. 2. Despite the multifaceted character of the displays certain overlaps and complementary motivations are apparent.

Is being a multifaceted person a compliment or an insult?

I would see being a “multifaceted person” as a compliment because it is saying you are well rounded, can handle many tasks and are adaptable. When a person does a job and does it well that person is a gold mine to employers. Even if the employer is lets say “rotten” that person knows who shows up and does the work.

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What does it mean to be a multi-faceted person?

Posted: (7 days ago) adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Multi-faceted means having a variety of different and important features or elements. Webb is a multi-faceted performer. Her job is multi-faceted. Posted: (4 days ago) When we take the PM role apart, we have these facets.

Is being multi-faceted a compliment or a hindrance?

If you are the specialist kind, then being multi-faceted could be interpreted as you don’t know your specialty well enough, which could be an implication that you are in the wrong position. On the other hand, if you are a generalist — which most senior management needs to be — then it is a great compliment.

Is being multifaceted a good thing or a bad thing?

I think that a multifaceted person can be a good thing and a bad thing. good for you for being complex and well rounded…or had for you because you dont know how to work all your buttons and handles and wires and parts.

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