
What does Noforn stand for?

What does Noforn stand for?

Also, the statement of NOFORN (meaning “no foreign nationals”) is applied to any information that may not be released to any non-U.S. citizen. NOFORN and distribution statements are often used in conjunction with classified information or alone on SBU information.

What makes a document Noforn?

NOFORN is defined as information and/or hardware concerning the design, arrangement, development, manufacturing, testing, operation, administration, training, maintenance, and repair of the propulsion plants of Naval Nuclear Powered Ships, including the associated shipboard and shore-based nuclear support facilities.

What does secret FGI mean?

SECRET classification, which may be applied only by the United States Trade. Representative. USTR typically classifies information at the CONFIDENTIAL level. FGI is classified at the CONFIDENTIAL level because its unauthorized disclosure is presumed to cause damage to the national security.

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What is ACGU classification?

Definition. ACGU. Acute Care Geriatric Unit (health center)

What is Noforn caveat?

(1) The use of “Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals” (NOFORN) caveat on Department of Defense (DoD) Information, to include contract documents, shall not be applied to non-intelligence information except for Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information and the National Disclosure Policy document (NDP-1).

Is Noforn a CUI?

The CUI Category Marking is mandatory. c. Limited Dissemination Controls place limits on how CUI can be shared. For example, the Limited Dissemination Control “NOFORN” prevents the information from being shared with non-US citizens and governments.

What does orcon stand for?

originator controlled
ORCON, a U.S. intelligence code word used to mark information as “originator controlled” Operational Research CONsultancy (ORCON), a UK government initiative to improve ambulance response times.

What is Relido?

RELIDO is a dissemination marking that may be applied to intelligence information to indicate that the originator has authorized Designated Intelligence Disclosure Officials (DIDO) to make further sharing decisions in accordance with the existing procedures for uncaveated intelligence material (intelligence with no …

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Who makes up 5 eyes?

The Five Eyes alliance is an intelligence-sharing arrangement between five English-speaking democracies: the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

What is secret REL?

(SECRET//REL TO USA, JPN) This is the portion marking for a portion which is classified SECRET, releasable to Japan. Countries are represented with ISO 3166 trigraphic codes.

What is collateral secret?

Definition(s): National security information (including intelligence information) classified Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential that is not in the Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) or Special Access Program (SAP) category.