
What does Nosig mean in a METAR?

What does Nosig mean in a METAR?

no significant change
NOSIG is an example of a TREND forecast which is appended to METARs at stations while a forecaster is on watch. NOSIG means that no significant change is expected to the reported conditions within the next 2 hours.

How do I decode a METAR report?

Decoding a METAR

  1. PHNL = the airfield, Honolulu’s Daniel K.
  2. 250953Z = the date and time of the report.
  3. 05007G17KT = the wind conditions.
  4. 10SM = visibility.
  5. FEW024 / FEW040 = cloud cover.
  6. 27/19 = the temperature and dewpoint.
  7. A3001 = the atmospheric pressure, a.k.a. altimeter setting.

What does PK WND mean?

PK WND 20032/25 PEAK WIND. PK WND dddff(F)/(hh)mm; direction in tens of degrees, speed in whole knots, time in minutes after the hour. Only minutes after the hour is included if the hour can be inferred from the report.

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What are the numbers at the end of a METAR?

The first two digits are the date, the 16th of the month, and the last four digits are the time of the METAR, which is always given in coordinated universal time (UTC), otherwise known as Zulu time. A “Z” is appended to the end of the time to denote that the time is given in Zulu time (UTC) as opposed to local time.

What does Becmg mean in TAF?

In a METAR or TAF report, BECMG means “becoming.” Here’s an example from one of our practice questions: (Refer to Figure 15) In the TAF from KOKC, the clear sky becomes. A) overcast at 2,000 feet during the forecast period between 2200Z and 2400Z.

What is RMK in aviation?

RMK simply means REMARKS and marks the end of the standard metar observation and the beginning of the remarks that are put in as necessay. If there is an AUTO after the ID in the metar ob, then there is no observer.

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What is VV in METAR?

VV. Vertical Visibility (Indefinite Ceiling) WS. Wind shear (In TAFs, low level and not associated with convective activity)

How long is METAR valid for?

Aviation Routine Weather Report Issuance & Validity: Issued every hour, usually 55~59 past the hour. Data may be up to 15 minutes old, should not be older. Valid for 1 hour or until the next released report.

What is CIG on a Metar?

CIG (Ceiling=Lowest BKN/OVC layer or height of VV)

What is TX and TN in TAF?

TX – Indicator for Maximum temperature. TtTt – Temperature value in Celsius. TN – Indicator for Minimum temperature. HH – Forecast hour, i.e. the time(hour) when the temperature is expected.