
What does Para mean in front of a word?

What does Para mean in front of a word?

para- prefix. variants: or par- Definition of para- (Entry 3 of 6) 1 : beside : alongside of : beyond : aside from parathyroid parenteral.

Does Para mean to?

Originally, the prefix “para-” came from Greek and means “next to” and “side by side” and gives rise to words like parallel and paragraph. And lastly, the word “parachute” has been shortened and so words that involve parachutes can have the “para-” prefix, such as parasailing.

What language does Para mean with?

Para- (prefix): A prefix with many meanings, including: alongside of, beside, near, resembling, beyond, apart from, and abnormal. The prefix “para-” comes straight from the Greek.

What words have Para in them?

12 letter words containing para

  • unparalleled.
  • paramilitary.
  • incomparable.
  • paradigmatic.
  • parasitology.
  • paramagnetic.
  • antiparallel.
  • parameterize.

What does Latin word para mean?

Prefix. para- above, beyond. beside, near, alongside; throughout.

What does Para mean in Tagalog?

para is an alternate spelling of the Tagalog word parang. Base word: parang. seems; it seems; seems like; similar to; like; somewhat like; looks like; supposedly; appears; as if; as though.

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What does the name para mean?

Polish: nickname for a vigorous person, from para ‘breath’. Spanish and Asturian-Leonese: habitational name from either of the places called Para, in Asturies and Burgos province. Similar surnames: Pala, Vara, Bara, Lara, Pera, Paras, Jara, Parra, Papa, Parga.

What does para mean in Tagalog?

What does the prefix para mean in paraphrase?

So to paraphrase that explanation, it means to say something in other, simpler words. If you break paraphrase down, you end up with the prefix para, meaning “beside,” and the word phrase — so think of paraphrase as coming up with similar, more simple phrases that go beside the ones already said.