
What does Per mean in a calculation?

What does Per mean in a calculation?

The player efficiency rating (PER) is John Hollinger’s all-in-one basketball rating, which attempts to boil down all of a player’s contributions into one number. Using a detailed formula, Hollinger developed a system that rates every player’s statistical performance.

What is PER in a math problem?

Note that “per”, in “Division”, means “divided by”, as in “I drove 90 miles on three gallons of gas, so I got 30 miles per gallon”. Also, “a” sometimes means “divided by”, as in “When I tanked up, I paid $12.36 for three gallons, so the gas was $4.12 a gallon”.

What does per year mean in math?

Per year. For example, 5\% per annum means 5\% per year. See also.

What does Per mean in a word problem?

The word “per” is a signal that it’s time to do division. It means roughly “for every.” Think to yourself, “For every numerator there is a denominator.” We’re sorry we don’t have this for you in acronym form, unless FENTIAD helps you somehow.

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Does PER in math mean multiply?

Multiplication-product, multiply, multiplied by, times. Division-quotient, dividend, divide, divided by, each, per, average, divided equally. Equal-the same, equals, the same as, equivalent, is equal to.

Does Per mean multiply or divide?

“Per” means (roughly) “divided by”. You go 120 miles in 2 hours. So 120 miles divided by 2 hours = 120 miles/2 hours = 60 miles/hours = 60 miles per hour = 60 mph is your average speed.

What is the mathematical term for amount?

Become a member to unlock this answer! In mathematics, the term ‘how much’ usually refers to a quantity of some sort, often a numerical quantity.

What is an example of PER in math?

“Per” means (roughly) “divided by”. You go 120 miles in 2 hours. So 120 miles divided by 2 hours = 120 miles/2 hours = 60 miles/hours = 60 miles per hour = 60 mph is your average speed. The term “per” is often used in Mathematics and means “for each” or “for every” .

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What does it mean per year?

Definitions of per year. adverb. by the year; every year (usually with reference to a sum of money paid or received) synonyms: annually, each year, p.a., per annum.

Does how many mean add?

The Basic Operations

Symbol Words Used
+ Addition, Add, Sum, Plus, Increase, Total
Subtraction, Subtract, Minus, Less, Difference, Decrease, Take Away, Deduct
× Multiplication, Multiply, Product, By, Times, Lots Of
÷ Division, Divide, Quotient, Goes Into, How Many Times

Is per a division word?

Word problems will often use “cut/split into,” “average,” or “per” to denote division.