
What does recommend without reservation mean?

What does recommend without reservation mean?

: without limitation : completely He supported her decision without reservation.

What does it mean when you have reservations about someone?

If you have reservations about something, you are not sure that it is entirely good or right. I told him my main reservation about his film was the ending.

What type of word is reservation?

reservation used as a noun: Something that is withheld or kept back. A limiting qualification (often used in the plural)

How do you say without reservation?

Synonyms of ‘without reservation’ in British English

  1. unreservedly.
  2. categorically.
  3. unconditionally.
  4. in every respect.
  5. without reserve.
  6. without demur.

How do you write a letter of recommendation when you don’t want to?

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What to Do When You DON’T Want to Give Someone a Recommendation

  1. Option 1: Just say no. “First and foremost, know that you are under no legal or moral obligation to give someone a recommendation.
  2. Option 2: Say you’re not the right person.
  3. Option 3: Give the rec… but don’t rave.

What is another word for reservations?

What is another word for reservation?

engagement booking
exclusive possession reserved ticket
setting aside rental
lease reserved room
reserved seat reserved table

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What is a synonym for wholeheartedly?

Some common synonyms of wholehearted are heartfelt, hearty, sincere, and unfeigned. While all these words mean “genuine in feeling,” wholehearted suggests sincerity and earnest devotion without reservation or misgiving.

What do you mean by wholeheartedly?

fully or completely sincere, enthusiastic, energetic, etc.; hearty; earnest: a wholehearted attempt to comply.