
What does RFC 2131 mean?

What does RFC 2131 mean?

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Droms Standards Track [Page 17] RFC 2131 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol March 1997 1. The client broadcasts a DHCPREQUEST message on its local subnet. The message includes the client’s network address in the ‘requested IP address’ option.

What is Dhcpinform message?

A DHCP Inform message is sent by a DHCP client to obtain other network configuration parameters such as the gateway address and DNS server address after the DHCP client has obtained an IP address. DHCP options.

What is Ciaddr and Yiaddr?

ciaddr. Client IP Address: indicates the IP address of a client. yiaddr. Your Client IP Address: indicates the DHCP client IP address assigned by a DHCP server.

What is a Dhcprequest?

DHCP Request If more than one DHCP server responds on the same subnet and hence the client receives multiple DHCP Offer messages, it selects one of the DHCP servers, and enters the IP address of the selected DHCP server in the DHCP Server Identifier (option 54) field of the DHCP Request message.

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What are the 4 types of DHCP packets?

The complete DHCP exchange involves four types of packets: Discover, for your computer to locate the DHCP server; Offer, for the server to offer an IP address; Request, for your computer to ask for an offered address; and Ack, for the server to grant the address lease.

What is Dhcpack?

DHCPACK. Sent by the server to the client in response to a DHCPREQUEST. The DHCPACK indicates that the server “acknowledges” the request, and the DHCPACK message contains fields which indicate the IP address, lease time, and network configuration parameters that the client is being configured with.

Is DHCP and ARP same?

ARP stand for Address Resolution Protocol are the way to translate IP address to machine address (MAC Address) or the way to find out which machine has the IP address. DHCP stand for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol are the way to dynamically assign IP address rather than statically assign it manually one by one.

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What is an RFC in IETF?

In the computer network engineering and design realm, a Request for Comments (RFC) is a memorandum published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) describing methods, behaviors, research, or innovations applicable to the working of the Internet, along with Internet-connected systems.