
What does RSRS mean in Spanish?

What does RSRS mean in Spanish?

The “rs” commonly seen in conversations throughout the internet, is an abbreviation of “risos” (laughs). Depending on how a person pronounces it, it can also sound like a laughing (quite weird, but sounds like one…). Just like “kkkk”, “hahaha”, and so on. Just note however that “rsrs” isn’t used in Portugal.

What is RSRS chat?

6 Apr 2017. rs = RiSos (laughing) any number of “rs”s together in a text chat, as in in “rsrsrsrsrsrsr”, means you are laughing. this is a Chat slang and cannot be pronounced.

How do you say Hahaha in Portuguese?

Brazilian Portuguese We use “haha”, “kkk” pronounced “kekeke”, and “rs” short for risos which means “laughs”. They can all be used in all kinds of fun situations. On the early internet, Brazilian Portuguese speakers would use “rsrsrsrsrs”, it’s like the outdated “lololol”.

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Why do Brazilians laugh in K?

The letter K in Brazil sounds like kah, and if repeated several times, it sounds like the onomatopoeia of laughter. My mother can’t really see the keyboard that well (and is always losing her glasses, which doesn’t help), so just choosing one letter and sticking to it makes it easier to “laugh online”.

How do Brazilians laugh in chat?

A fairly common way of laughing online in Brazil is using the letter “k” several times, like kkkkk. Other common online types are “huehuehue”, “hahahaha”, “rsrsrs”, and “asuhaushuahs” or their variations. Each of them is used in different contexts and by different demographics.

What is KKKK Portuguese?

Yes, kkkkk basically means LOL (Laughing Out Loud). In Brazil, at least. The Portuguese mostly use “hahaha” or “ahahaha”.

What does RSRs mean?

Answer Wiki. Rsrs is a laughing acronym, possibly short for risos or risadas, both meaning laughter. Not to be confused with “RS”, the official acronym for the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Brazilians have plenty of ways of representing something was funny when typing.

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What does the Brazilian word ‘Rs’ mean?

As a brazilian, I never imagined “rs” to be an abbreviation of “risos”. As far as I know, “rs” is supposed to represent the sound of a rather goofy laughter. It has an effect very similar to “hihihi” – except “hihihi” seems/sounds too feminine, while “rsrsrs” seems/sounds gender neutral. Both are very teenagery.

What does RRS mean in Portuguese?

Just note however that “rsrs” isn’t used in Portugal. There, the most common internet laughings are “hahaha” and the recent “kkkk”. As a brazilian, I never imagined “rs” to be an abbreviation of “risos”.

What are some examples of Brazilian acronyms?

In the interest of preventing future misunderstandings I now present to you my list of Brazilian acronyms. add – To add someone in a contact list. They might say something like “me add pf” aew ( aí) – There. aff – An interjection used to display shock, either positive or negative. Derived from Ave-Maria, another Brazilian expression.