
What does span of control indicate?

What does span of control indicate?

In simple words, span of control means the manageable number of subordinates of a superior. The bigger the number of the subordinates a manager controls, the broader is her/his span of control.

What does it mean for a manager to have a wide span of control?

A manager’s span of control refers to how many employees that manager supervises. A manager with a wide span of control supervises many employees, while one with a narrow span supervises just a few.

What factors would determine the appropriate span of a manager’s control?

Following are the factors affecting span of control:

  • The Ability of Officers.
  • Availability of time for supervision.
  • Nature of work.
  • Plans for the Enterprise.
  • Ability and efficiency of subordinates.
  • Techniques of control.
  • Degree of decentralization.
  • Service of Experts.
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What is span of control in management with example?

The span of control refers to the number of subordinates that can be managed effectively and efficiently by supervisors or managers in an organization. As an example, a manager with five direct reports has a span of control of five.

What is management Mcq span?

The span of management means the number of subordinates that a manager can manage. The span of Management refers to the number of subordinates a supervisor has. Simply a manager or a supervisor or a superior who has a group of subordinates, who can directly report him or her is called a span of Management.

How span of control affects structure and managerial effectiveness?

The Span of Control is the number of employees a manager can supervise as effectively as possible. The addition of new hierarchical layers makes the organisational structure steeper. A large Span of Control leads to a flatter organisational structure, which results in lower costs.

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What do you mean by effective span briefly explain the factors determining an effective span of management?

Training of Subordinates. The well trained subordinates require their managers to spend a little time for them. Naturally, frequency of contact amongst them and their managers is reduced to a considerable extent. Clarity of Delegation of Authority.

What is span of control explain what are the three categories of span of management?

Wide or Flat Span of Control. Tall or Narrow Span of Control.

How does span of management relate to organization?

The span of management is related to the horizontal levels of the organization structure. Since the span is narrow, which means less number of subordinates under one superior, requires more managers to be employed in the organization. Thus, it would be very expensive in terms of the salaries to be paid to each senior.

What is span of control in management Mcq?

Answer & Solution The span of supervision is also called as the span of control. It refers to the number of subordinates a manager can effectively manage. If the number of subordinates placed under a manager is small, he can control the subordinates effectively.

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What are the determinants of span of control Mcq?

Several factors affect the span of control of a manager such as the nature of work, capabilities of the manager, capabilities of the employees to be managed, and the responsibilities of a manager. The span of control can be of two types, such as a narrow and wide span of control.

How does the span of management affects managerial control at operational efficiency?

In a narrow span of control, a manger has fewer subordinates under him. In a classical type of organizational structure, which is the most common form, the effectiveness and efficiency of operations is determined by the number of people under direct supervision of a manager.