
What does stuffed mean in the UK?

What does stuffed mean in the UK?

“To get stuffed” is a slightly antiquated piece of slang with the same meaning as “F off!” or “Screw you!” It’s an implication that someone is worthless or meaningless. ( That’s the American phrase, which is used in this quote: “Get Stuffed” in England simply means “Go away” or “Get lost”, just not as politely)

What does stuffed mean in slang?

British slang an exclamation of contemptuous anger or annoyance, esp against another person.

What does get stuffed mean in Australian?

Stuff means things (multiple). Being stuffed is a term for being tired/exhausted – usually said after a busy day or after exercise.

What does it mean to tell someone to stuff it?

Definition of stuff it informal. —used as an angry and rude way to say that one does not want something or is not interested in something When they offered me the job I told them they could stuff it.

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What does stuffed out mean?

DEFINITIONS1. to make someone physically or mentally weak. She had a bad cold which really knocked the stuffing out of her. Synonyms and related words. To cause someone to have an illness or feel ill.

What does soak your head mean?

A dismissive phrase said to someone who the speaker is frustrated or annoyed with.

What does get stuffed mean?

get stuffed. Definition of get stuffed. —used as an angry and rude way to tell someone to go away or to leave one alone When they refused to consider him for the promotion he told them they could get stuffed.

What is the definition of stuffed?

1. (Cookery) filled with something, esp (of poultry and other food) filled with stuffing. 2. (Physiology) (foll by up) (of the nasal passages) blocked with mucus. 3. get stuffed! slang Brit an exclamation of contemptuous anger or annoyance, esp against another person.

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What is a synonym for stuffed?

Synonyms for Stuffed: adj. •chock-full (adjective) cram full, chock-a-block. •crammed (adjective) crowded, gorged, overflowing, glutted, bursting, running over, jam-packed, packed like sardines, satisfied, full, jammed, saturated, filled, packed, loaded.