
What does the acronym STET mean?

What does the acronym STET mean?


Acronym Definition
SteT Submission Through Electronic Transmission (est. 1997; software; Hong Kong Monetary Authority)
SteT Scientific and Technological Education and Training
SteT [not an acronym] Latin: Let It Stand (publishing term)

How do you use Stet?

verbverb stets, verb stetting, verb stetted 1Let it stand (used as an instruction on a printed proof to indicate that a correction or alteration should be ignored). ‘I am discreetly edited out; and there is no one to write, stet! ‘

What the word Stet is used in proof correction?

4. Why the word ‘stet’ is used as a proof correction sign in drafts? Ans. Stet is used to ignore the corrections dotted underneath the matter. The dotted matter may be treated as let it stand and do not delete the same.

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What does Stet mean on a legal document?

Stet is a Latin term that means “let it stand.” According to the Baltimore County state’s attorney office, a “stet” is an indefinite postponement. A guilty verdict is not entered, but a “stet” is not an acquittal or dismissal.

What is the symbol for Stet?

A symbol used by proofreaders and typesetters to indicate that a word or phrase that was crossed out should still remain. This is usually marked by writing and circling the word stet above or beside the unwanted edit and underscoring the selection with dashes or dots.

Is stat a word?

Yes, stat is in the scrabble dictionary.

Does Stet mean delete?

To cancel a change in or a marked deletion of (a word, character, passage, etc., as in a proof or manuscript), as by writing “stet” in the margin and underlining stetted matter with a row of dots. To nullify (a correction or deletion) in printed matter.

How do I use Stet proofreading?

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What does stet docket mean?

let it stand docket
The stet docket, literally the “let it stand docket,” simply means that a case has been stetted, or listed as inactive by the court. “stet docket” is simply a colloquialism referring to the fact that the case is inactive. The charges are not dropped, nor is the defendant determined to be innocent or guilty.

What does a stet mark look like?

What does ET mean on Instagram edits?

“Extra-terrestrial” is the most common definition for ET on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.