
What does the phrase high seas mean?

What does the phrase high seas mean?

The open waters of an ocean or sea that are outside the jurisdiction of any nation.

What is another name for high seas?

What is another word for high seas?

deep blue sea ocean
the brine the briny deep
the deep the deep sea
the seven seas international waters
ocean blue deep

What does the high seas mean in law?

high seas, in maritime law, all parts of the mass of saltwater surrounding the globe that are not part of the territorial sea or internal waters of a state.

Where are the high seas?

The high seas – the vast open ocean and deep seabed areas found beyond any country’s national jurisdiction – cover about half of the Earth’s surface and 64\% of global ocean area.

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What mother lode means?

Definition of mother lode 1 : the principal vein or lode of a region. 2 : a principal source or supply.

What is the opposite of high seas?

“The rare and elusive Sumatran Tiger lurks in the wilderness of the island of Sumatra.”…What is the opposite of high seas?

wilderness forest
sticks back country

What is high seas of the Philippines?

The Philippine Sea is a marginal sea of the Western Pacific Ocean east of the Philippine archipelago (hence the name), occupying an estimated surface area of 5 million square kilometers (2×106 sq mi)….

Philippine Sea
Islands show List
Trenches Izu–Bonin Trench Mariana Trench Nankai Trough Philippine Trench Ryukyu Trench

What lives in the high seas?

The high seas also provide important habitat for many migratory species, such as whales, seabirds, sea turtles, tunas and sharks, that traverse ocean basins in search of food and mates.

What is hit pay dirt?

Definition of hit/strike pay dirt : to do, find, or get something that results in money or success The band hit pay dirt with their first single. The police struck pay dirt when a witness came forward with new information.

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What does mothering someone mean?

/ˈmʌð. ər.ɪŋ/ the process of caring for children as their mother or of caring for people in the way that a mother does: He did not receive good mothering as a child.

How many seas are there in the Philippines?

Three prominent bodies of water surround the archipelago: the Pacific Ocean on the east, the South China Sea on the west and north, and the Celebes Sea on the south.