
What does the POL button do on a calculator?

What does the POL button do on a calculator?

If you know the two shorter sides then the Pol button (above +) will give you the length of the hypotenuse and the angle between the adjacent and the hypotenuse; effectively it’s doing Pythagoras to find the hypotenuse and using tan to find the angle.

What is a pol function?

Pol gene products are critical for the synthesis and integration of viral DNA into the host genome and the generation of capsid proteins. Pol gene products include the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, an integrase, and the late-phase protease.

What is Pol math?

Trigonometry – a branch of mathematics that studies relationships involving lengths and angles of triangles. Example 1: To find the length of the hypotenuse, and the angle the point (1,1) makes with the positive x-axis, measured from (0,0), use Pol( [polar coordinates]. To access Pol(, use [SHIFT] then [+].

What is REC in scientific calculator?

How to use ‘Rec’ in the Casio scientific calculator – Quora. Pol converts rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates, while Rec converts polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates. Specify the angle unit before performing calculations.

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What mode should your calculator be in?

Almost all calculators come with both DEG & RAD mode. You should use the mode which matches with the given data in the question. For example: if we need to find cos(v) and v=60°, then use degree mode because given angle is in degree. If the given angle is in radians then use RAD mode.

How do you convert Cartesian to spherical?

To convert a point from Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates, use equations ρ2=x2+y2+z2,tanθ=yx, and φ=arccos(z√x2+y2+z2). To convert a point from spherical coordinates to cylindrical coordinates, use equations r=ρsinφ,θ=θ, and z=ρcosφ.

How do you express in polar form?

To write complex numbers in polar form, we use the formulas x=rcosθ, y=rsinθ, and r=√x2+y2. Then, z=r(cosθ+isinθ).