
What does the pressurizer do in a nuclear power plant?

What does the pressurizer do in a nuclear power plant?

The pressurizer controls the reactor coolant system to maintain constant pressure, by actuating the electrical heater, spray valve, and relief valve.

What is the main function of a coolant in a nuclear fission reactor?

A substance circulated through a nuclear reactor to remove or transfer heat. The most commonly used coolant in the United States is water.

How is pressure controlled in a nuclear plant?

Pressurized water reactors use a reactor pressure vessel (RPV) to contain the nuclear fuel, moderator, control rods and coolant. They are cooled and moderated by high-pressure liquid water (e.g., 16MPa). The quenching action reduces pressure and limits the pressure increases.

What does the top of the pressurizer in pressurized water reactor consist of at primary system pressure?

What does the top of the pressurizer in pressurized water reactor consists of at primary system pressure? Explanation: The pressurizer is a pressure vessel with a heater at the bottom and water spray at the top. The top of the pressurizer is filled with steam at primary system pressure.

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What is gas pressurizer?

A pressurizer is a major component used to control a system pressure in a primary coolant system of a pressurized water reactor. The safety valve in both the gas and steam pressurizers is not opened during the transient.

What is the function of moderators in nuclear reactor 1 point?

In nuclear reactors, moderator is used to slow down the fast moving neutrons.

What is the function of moderator in nuclear power plants Mcq?

The moderator’s function in the reactor is to slow down the fast-moving secondary neutrons produced during the fission. The material of the moderator should be light and it should not absorb neutrons.

How does antifreeze work in power plants?

A coolant fluid enters the core at low temperature and exits at a higher temperature after collecting the fission energy. This higher-temperature fluid is then directed to conventional thermodynamic components where the heat is converted into electric power.

What is the advantage of pressurized water reactor PWR Mcq?

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Advantages of Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR)