
What food was eaten during World War 2?

What food was eaten during World War 2?

meat (Mar 1940) jam (Mar 1941) biscuits ( Aug 1942),
fish tea (Jul 1940) breakfast cereals,
cheese (May 1941) eggs (June 1941) milk,
tinned tomatoes (Feb. 1942) peas (Feb. 1942) dried fruit Jan 1942
rice (Jan 1942) canned fruit, cooking fat (Jul 1940)

What was a typical breakfast in ww2?

Breakfasts will be porridge (made with 50/50 milk and water) with apple and pear compote. Lunches will be soup with homemade bread rolls. Snacks will be fruit, muffins, scones, vegetable sticks (carrot and celery) and homemade yoghurt.

What did World War people eat?

The bulk of their diet in the trenches was bully beef (caned corned beef), bread and biscuits. By the winter of 1916 flour was in such short supply that bread was being made with dried ground turnips. The main food was now a pea-soup with a few lumps of horsemeat.

What was the weekly food ration in ww2?

Allowances fluctuated throughout the war, but on average one adult’s weekly ration was 113g bacon and ham (about 4 thin slices), one shilling and ten pence worth of meat (about 227g minced beef), 57g butter, 57g cheese, 113g margarine, 113g cooking fat, 3 pints of milk, 227g sugar, 57g tea, and 1 egg.

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Was chocolate rationed in ww2?

Rationing came into force on 8 January 1940, a few months after the start of World War II. All sorts of essential and non-essential foods were rationed, as well as clothing, furniture and petrol. Rationing of sweets and chocolate began on 26 July 1942.

Did soldiers get drunk in WW2?

The answer is, quite simply, yes. The daily ration of alcohol traditionally existed to help soldiers cope with the stress of combat and daily life within the military. In WW2, the British Army did continue with a Rum ration to troops, but only in some situations and only with the consent of a medical officer.

Did soldiers drink alcohol in WW2?

While industry is concerned with materiel, alcohol is concerned with people. For the soldiers’ part, Wehrmacht officers permitted and initially encouraged their charges to consume alcohol as a coping mechanism, believing it essential to good morale.

What were ww2 rations?

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When World War II began in September 1939, petrol was the first commodity to be controlled. On 8 January 1940, bacon, butter and sugar were rationed. Meat, tea, jam, biscuits, breakfast cereals, cheese, eggs, lard, milk, canned and dried fruit were rationed subsequently, though not all at once.

What sweets did they eat in ww2?

What sweets were available during the war? Amongst the popular sweets, you could get in your local sweet shop were lemon sherbets, barley sugar twists, liquorice, pear drops and cola cubes and other traditional sweets.