
What games can you play without technology?

What games can you play without technology?

We may do some of them, certainly not others…but here they are, my 30 things to do that do not require technology:

  • Play a board game…..
  • Go for a bike ride.
  • Kick the footy.
  • Organise a family cricket match.
  • Play Celebrity head/20 Questions.
  • Pack a picnic lunch and go to the park.
  • Bake a cake/decorate biscuits.

What can I do with my kids instead of electronics?

17 Things to Do for Fun Without Electronics With Your Kids

  • 1.) Play board games. Have a family game night and battle it out!
  • 2.) Play cards.
  • 3.) Imaginative play!
  • 4.) Read a book together.
  • 5.) Color.
  • 6.) Draw or paint.
  • 7.) Act out a scene from your favorite story.
  • 8.) Have a dance party.
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What games can kids play without touching?

These eight no-touch group games are easy to set up, and can help young children learn the concept of personal space.

  • Chalk challenge.
  • Nature scavenger hunt.
  • Animal hide and seek.
  • Outdoor spray art.
  • Outdoor dance party.
  • Outdoor obstacle course.
  • Outdoor animal action game.
  • Bubble time.

How do you entertain kids without technology?

Try putting some limits on electronics with these fun activities….Spend Time with Family

  1. Look through photo albums or school memorabilia.
  2. Use your talents to create a family variety show.
  3. Cook dinner together or bake cookies.
  4. Sing karaoke or have a dance party.
  5. Listen to a book on audio together every night.

What are good two person games no equipment?

9 boardless, cardless games to play anywhere

  • How’s Yours? In this game, a group of people teams up against one guesser to give clues that strike a balance between too easy and too hard.
  • I Went To Market.
  • Fishbowl.
  • Would You Rather.
  • Two Truths and a Lie.
  • Fortunately Unfortunately.
  • Trace Messages.
  • The Category Game.
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What are non contact games?

Meaning of Non-contact Games Non-contact games are sports where participants should have no possible means of impact, where players have separate lanes or take turns of play, such as sprinting, swimming, darts, snooker, gymnastics, tennis, table tennis, chess, badminton etc.

How do you play with other kids?

Practice social situations through role play.

  1. You, your partner, or the child’s sibling can act as the child’s playdate. Model good behavior, such as how to share or how to say “please and thank you.”
  2. You can also use puppets, stuffed animals, or dolls to act out social situations.

What can you do instead of electronics?

Spend Time with Family

  • Look through photo albums or school memorabilia.
  • Use your talents to create a family variety show.
  • Cook dinner together or bake cookies.
  • Sing karaoke or have a dance party.
  • Listen to a book on audio together every night.

What games can people play at home?

Games to Play With Friends at Home

  • Hopscotch. Hopscotch is perhaps one of the oldest games.
  • Balloon Game. Here is a fun game that your children and their friends will enjoy very much.
  • Solo Game.
  • Finger Wrestling.
  • Tic-Tac-Toe.
  • Indoor bowling.
  • Dots and Boxes.
  • Freeze!