
What happened in Australia in the 1860s?

What happened in Australia in the 1860s?

In the 1860s, South Pacific Islanders were indentured as labourers for the Queensland agricultural industry. In the 1860s, the pearling industry began using Aboriginal divers in Western Australia. After Aboriginal people were banned from diving, most of the divers were Javanese, Timorese and Japanese.

Why did Explorers explore inland Australia?

The search for an inland sea was an inspiration for many early expeditions west of the Great Dividing Ranges. This quest drove many explorers to extremes of endurance and hardship. Charles Sturt’s expedition explained the mystery. It also led to the opening of South Australia to settlement.

What was the purpose of his expeditions?

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The purpose for his voyages was to find a passage to Asia by sailing west.

What was the reason for Burke and Wills expedition?

The Victorian government organised the Burke and Wills expedition to cross the continent in 1860. The South Australian government offered a reward of £2000 to encourage an expedition to find a route between South Australia and the north coast.

What was life like in Australia in the 1850’s?

In the 1850s, people – especially children – often died from diseases which rarely kill Australians today, like scarlet fever, pneumonia, diphtheria and consumption (tuberculosis). However, children were most likely to die from drinking water contaminated by human ‘poo’ …

What happened in 1800s in Australia?

Events. 26 April – William Balmain receives a land grant on the east side of Cockle Bay. 26 June – Major Joseph Foveaux is appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Norfolk Island. 16 July – Richard Johnson and Samuel Marsden open a church school in Kissing Point (Ryde).

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What was the initial reason for Columbus’s journey to the New World?

Columbus wanted to find a new route to India, China, Japan and the Spice Islands. If he could reach these lands, he would be able to bring back rich cargoes of silks and spices.

What problems did Burke and Wills encounter?

On 16 December 1860 Burke, Wills, Charles Gray and John King left Cooper Creek to make a dash for the northern shoreline. Burke and Wills eventually encountered salty marshes and a shifting tide, and could proceed no further. They had reached their goal, even though they could not see the open water.

Where did the Burke and Wills expedition start?

The Burke and Wills expedition. In 1860 the Government of South Australia offered a prize to the first expedition to cross the Australian continent from south to north. Policeman, Robert O’Hara Burke led an expedition which left from Royal Park, Melbourne on 20 August 1860.