
What happened in the road to Sakura?

What happened in the road to Sakura?

Summary. As Ino strolls through the outlying forest of the village, considering what she should do on her day-off, she sees a bright light and hears a scream. Looking up, she sees her friend, Sakura, falling through the sky. Remembering parts of her past, Sakura runs to embrace her parents, crying.

What happens in EP 271 of Naruto Shippuden?

That episode ties in with the movie, Road to Ninja, where Naruto and Sakura get stuck in a genjutsu world. In that world, everyone’s personality is the opposite of what they know. 271 puts forth the idea that when Sakura went to the genjutsu world, her counterpart there was transported to the real world.

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What is Sakura backstory?

Sakura Haruno was a little girl in the Leaf Village ninja academy with self-esteem issues and no confidence in herself. She was made fun of for her forehead which her classmates said was too big. She would always cover her forehead with her hair to save her from some of the bullying she would get.

What is Sakura Haruno’s race?

Sakura Haruno
Hair Color Light Pink
Race Human
Ninja Rank
Kaipuden Genin

Who is Sarada real mother?

Sakura Haruno
Sarada Uchiha/Mother
Sarada eventually learns from Sakura that she is her biological mother. After she confirms this, Sasuke says that Sarada’s existence shows the connection between him and Sakura. Karin later explains that she was Sakura’s midwife when Sasuke and Sakura were travelling together.

What episode is road to Sakura in Naruto Shippuden?

” Road to Sakura ” is episode 271 of the Naruto: Shippūden anime.

Why doesn’t Sakura recognize anyone in the illusion world?

What she does in the real world is the Road to Sakura episode. In the illusion world, everyone is different and Sakura’s parents are dead. This is why she doesn’t recognize anyone. It was supposed to advertise the Road to Ninja movie, which had Naruto and Sakura sucked into a different dimension.

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What happened to Naruto and Sakura in the alternate world?

Now an exchange has happened between the Sakura from the Alternate World and the Sakura from the original world and because Naruto was with Sakura in the Original world so he transferred with her thats why the Original Naruto and Sakura are missing.

Is road to Sakura filler or cannon?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, thanks in advance! 271 “Road to Sakura” is all filler, but the end “news” part is a summary of cannon stuff. Okay, thanks a lot. I was pretty confused. lol