
What happened to Harry and ron while they were traveling to Hogwarts?

What happened to Harry and ron while they were traveling to Hogwarts?

Ron was worried that his parents might not be able to get back through, so they used the car to fly to Hogwarts. Just as they arrived on school grounds, the car began to break down and they ended up crashing into the Whomping Willow.

How many Muggles saw the flying Ford Anglia when Ron and Harry flew it to Hogwarts?

Flight to Hogwarts The car, after having unloaded everything and everyone in it, drove off into the Forbidden Forest. Professor Snape informed them that their journey was “seen by no less than seven Muggles” and that if it had been up to him he would have had them on the train back to London the very same night.

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What is Hermione’s Patronus?

Hermione Granger/Patronus

Otter (Hermione Granger) Hermione’s talent with a wand was clear from her earliest lessons – swish and flick, it’s all in the wrist. Her Patronus, the otter, is a clever and dexterous animal; some have even been known to juggle small rocks.

What happens to Harry and Ron when they get to Hogwarts?

Harry and Ron miss the Hogwarts Express and fly Mr. Weasley’s bewitched car to Hogwarts. When they crash into the barrier between platforms nine and ten (and Hedwig makes a noisy fuss about it), Harry and Ron attract the attention of Muggles at King’s Cross.

What happens to Harry and Ron in the car on the road?

At first, Harry and Ron are exhilarated by their situation, and enjoy eating candy and basking in the sunshine. But after a few hours of their long trip, the novelty wears off and they become uncomfortable. As they finally near Hogwarts, the car starts to malfunction. Ron operates the car with silent wand taps.

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Why can’t Muggles find Hogwarts?

Hogwarts is a magical place. The place is teeming with magic so much so that no muggle device works there. Hermione mentions this fact in Harry Potter and the Philosphers stone. Also, Hogwarts is not visible to muggles, it is enchanted and visible only to wizarding world. Hence, Harry and Ron would’ve had no trouble in locating the castle.

How did the Muggles spot the car in Harry Potter?

The car’s invisibility booster is faulty; the boys mostly keep the car hidden above the clouds, but they have to fly lower periodically in order to make sure they are staying with the train. Several Muggles spot the car by the end of its flight.