
What happened to NY Times comments?

What happened to NY Times comments?

The vast majority of comments are reviewed by a human moderator. Because of this, the number of comments that we are capable of moderating each day is limited. Typically, comment threads are open for 24 hours. After that point, commenting is closed and our moderators are moved to newer articles.

How do I view comments on the NY Times app?

You can read comments on some articles in the NYTimes app. Articles with comments will have a comment icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap the comment icon to read all comments, NYT Picks or Reader Picks.

How do you comment on an article?

Top ten tips for writing a great comment

  1. Read the article.
  2. Respond to the article.
  3. Read the other comments.
  4. Make it clear who you’re replying to.
  5. Use the return key.
  6. Avoid sarcasm.
  7. Avoid unnecessary acronyms.
  8. Use facts.
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Why did Yahoo get rid of comments?

However, a message by Yahoo news on their website reveals exactly why the website removed the comment section. It reads: “Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.”

How do you delete Nytimes comments?

Delete comments Right-click the comment, and choose Delete Comment. To delete all the comments in the document, go to the Review tab, click the down-arrow on Delete, and choose Delete All Comments in Document. Select the content you want to comment on. Select Review > New Comment.

How do you delete NYTimes comments?

How do you comment on a research article?


  1. Give positive feedback first.
  2. Briefly summarize what the paper is about and what the findings are.
  3. Try to put the findings of the paper into the context of the existing literature and current knowledge.
  4. Indicate the significance of the work and if it is novel or mainly confirmatory.
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How do you comment on a website?

Sign In/Log In to Comment Here is a typical comment box that you might find on another website. There are boxes in which to enter your name, your email and, if you wish, your website. Then you would type your comment in the comment box and click the Post Comment button.