
What happened to Sam at the end of Uncharted 4?

What happened to Sam at the end of Uncharted 4?

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. Sam, however, survived the gunshots and the fall. After fifteen years, Sam was released once Rafe, who was still looking for Avery’s treasure, found out he was still alive.

Is Sully dead at the end of Uncharted 4?

Sully revealed to be alive. In “Trapped”, Sully was discovered to be alive when Elena captured footage of him entering a helicopter with Roman and Navarro. Suspicious that he may have been working for them all along, Elena and Nate went after him by trekking up to a monastery.

Why did Sam lie to Nathan Uncharted 4?

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TL;DR: Sam lies to Nate to convince him to go with him to find the treasure.

Are there multiple endings to Uncharted 4?

Despite revealing that Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End will feature dialogue options, Naughty Dog is assuring fans that the game has a “very specific story” and won’t have branching endings.

Will there be uncharted 5?

The most important question is whether or not a fifth Uncharted is actually being made. And while there’s no official confirmation of it, the answer is likely “yes”.

What happened to Nathan Drake’s parents?

In Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception It eventually transpires that Drake is not his real last name (his real last name, Morgan, is not revealed until Uncharted 4) and he was raised in a Catholic orphanage from the age of five. His mother committed suicide and his father handed the child over to the state.

How old is Sully in Uncharted?

56 years old
Sully’s personal main weapon has always been the Wes . 44 (playable in all PS3 Uncharted games so far). Sully’s age is 56 years old in Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and 60 years old in Uncharted 3. Sully states at the end of Uncharted 3 that he was 40 years old when he met Nate 20 years ago.

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How old is Nathan Drake’s daughter?

Due to only having an appearance in the Epilogue, not much is known about Cassie except that she has inherited her parents’ love for treasure hunting, history, and archaeology, often accompanying them on their expeditions. She is between 10-14 years old in the Uncharted 4 epilogue.

What’s Nathan Drake’s real name?

Nathan Morgan
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)

Nathan Drake
Full name Nathan Morgan
Nickname Nate
Family Cassandra Morgan (mother) Sam Drake (brother)
Spouse Elena Fisher

Is there an uncharted 6 coming out?

On behalf of everyone at Naughty Dog, thank you! Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection will be available on PS5 and PC in early 2022.

How old is Sully Uncharted 4?