
What happens after passing out from PMA?

What happens after passing out from PMA?

Every Gentleman Cadet passing out of the academy has a minimum graduation (from MCE, CEME, MCS, AM College or civil institutes) except for Long Course cadets who complete their degree after their passing out.

Can soldier become officer in Pak Army?

Intermediate with 50 percent mark or A-level passed youth can apply for Pak Army Jobs as an officer through PMA long course. Age limit is from 17 years to 22 years for civilian and 17 years to 23 years for serving Armed Forces Personnel except army as army soldiers have ginven the age limit of 17 to 25 years.

What is your rank after graduating from PMA?

Upon completing and graduating from 4-year program, cadets will earn the degree of BS National Security Management and will be commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant or Ensign in the service branches of the Armed Forces by the authority of the President.

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What is the pay of captain in Pak Army?

Army Officer Salaries

Job Title Salary
Pakistan Army O3 – Army – Captain salaries – 1 salaries reported PKR 20,000/mo
AM General O3 – Army – Captain salaries – 1 salaries reported PKR 80,000/mo
EMPLOYERS Army salaries – 1 salaries reported PKR 150,000/mo
AU Army salaries – 1 salaries reported PKR 50,000/mo

How to join Pak army PMA Long Course?

To Join Pak Army PMA Long Course, you need to register yourself online. The official link to apply is “” Best of Luck.

What is the duration of PMA Long Course 149?

Join Pak ArmyPMA Long Courseis for regular commission officersof combat and battle support arms & services. The duration of the PMA Long Course 149is two years. Further divided into four terms of six months each. After the 2-year training period, Cadets pass out as 2nd Lieutenants.

Why did my PMA Long Course Registration date change?

PMA Long Course registration date may be changed because of COVID-19. Registration start for PMA 149 Long Course as Per PMA 149 Registration Schedule 2021 A candidate has to pass through six initial stages at AS & RS to be shortlisted for the ISSB test Online Registration or Registration at AS &RC.

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What is the MCQ for PMA verbal intelligence test?

Verbal intelligence test MCQs will be 85-90 to solve within 30 minutes and if a candidate passes the verbal intelligence test then can start Non-verbal intelligence Test (85-90mCQs to solve within 30 minutes). Candidates can practice online here for PMA Verbal Intelligence Test.