
What happens if a NPC dies?

What happens if a NPC dies?

If an NPC dies, then the game just acts as if the NPC had never been in the house in the first place. For example, if your Guide dies, another Guide may move into a house. This is the same for all NPCs, except an NPC having previously moved in does not automatically fulfill the criteria for them to move in again.

Do dead NPCs respawn in Skyrim?

Yes they do, if you look them up on UESP you can see if they respawn or not.

Where do NPCs go when they die Skyrim?

Instead of simply disappearing forever, these lifeless bodies get sent to a rather grisly room called the “Dead Body Cleanup Cell”. This is a hidden room in Skyrim that can only be accessed via console commands.

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Can you revive a dead companion in Skyrim?

There is no way to resurrect lost companions. Any NPC who dies is dead forever. In the mission where you retrieve the skeleton key, you have 2 companions who “pass out” when they have no health left and come back when their health regenerates.

How long does it take for a NPC to Respawn?

NPCs will not spawn during an active event (the Lunar Events are an exception) or at night. An NPC takes about 2 minutes to spawn after another NPC has spawned or dawn passes. If valid housing is off-screen during spawning, the NPC will spawn directly into its house.

What happens if the goblin tinkerer dies?

If the Goblin Tinkerer dies after being freed, he will respawn like any other NPC near your house and won’t have to be freed again. The Goblin Tinkerer, Party Girl, and Santa Claus are the only NPCs that stay in a normal state on a Blood Moon.

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Do soldiers at Forts Respawn Skyrim?

So the imperial guards at forts doesn’t respawn at all after they are killed.

How do I resurrect an NPC in Skyrim?

To achieve this, the player must first press the “~” key in-game which opens the console. To select the body to be resurrected, they must then click on the desired body, which will then direct all following commands towards the body. Then type the command “resurrect” (without the ” signs).

Can you get Lydia back if she dies?

Open the console and click on her body. A code will appear. Simply type “resurrect” into the console, press enter, and close the console. She will be resurrected.