
What happens if you exceed lure weight?

What happens if you exceed lure weight?

If you have too light of a lure, the rod will not load properly and result in a shorter cast. If you’ve got too heavy of a weight, the rod will load too much and have a sluggish cast.

What is a medium power rod good for?

If you only have one choice available to you, go with a medium power rod. Medium power will cover the fullest possibilities in fresh and saltwater environments. The fast or slow action describes how quickly the rod will pull back when you apply force. Fast action is useful for big, strong predators in deep water.

How much weight can a medium heavy rod hold?

How much weight can a fishing line hold?

Rod weight Line weight Lure weight
Medium fishing rod 6 – 12 lb test 1/8 – 3/8 oz
Medium-heavy fishing rod 8 – 14 lb test 3/16 – 1/2 oz
Heavy fishing rod 20-40 lb test 4-8 oz
Ultra heavy fishing rod 25 lb test and more 1oz to more
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What lures to use on a medium fast action rod?

Medium and medium-fast rods will usually provide a little more casting distance and still provide adequate hooksetting power. These actions are often used for applications that involve treble hooks, such as crankbaits and topwater lures or other reaction baits such as spinnerbaits.

Is a medium rod good for trout?

A medium-action spinning or casting rod with and complementary reel is a good starting place for conventional bait or lure fishing for trout. A typical trout rod is about six feet in length, give or take.

What is a 7 foot medium casting rod good for?

This medium crankbait casting rod will give you the edge you need when cranking around docks, rocks and shallow grass lines.

What is a 7 foot medium rod good for?

A 7-foot baitcast rod is an ideal choice for tossing buzzbaits and spinnerbaits, as it will provide better casting distance, leverage and the ability to pick up line quickly.

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How far can you cast a 1/4 oz lure?

If you used a 3 power rod, same length and 8 lb small diameter FC with the 1/4 oz jig, your distance would increase about 30′ or 40 yards.