
What happens online PTM?

What happens online PTM?

During the PTMs, teachers are telling parents about their child’s overall performance and that the subjects they need to improve in. The parents are being told about the syllabus that has been covered till date and are being asked to ensure that their children are attending the virtual classes.

What do you say in a PTM?

Just be prepared to discuss the following with the teacher:

  1. An overview of your child’s work and his coping skills.
  2. Your child’s conduct in class and with their social skills with peers.
  3. Areas of improvement for your child and your involvement in making those changes.

What is the purpose of PTM?

PTM is held for valuation of an academic and non- academic performance of the student. It helps to know and work for the child’s performance. Importance of Education in all the aspects of today’s World Also, PTM enables parent and teacher to work for the positive modification of the student’s performance.

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How do you meet your parents?

Here are eight tips to help you conduct masterful, action-oriented parent-teacher meetings.

  1. Be Proactive.
  2. Be Welcoming.
  3. Explain Objectives and Expectations.
  4. Be Prepared.
  5. Create an Action Plan.
  6. Use the Good-Bad-Good Sandwich.
  7. Don’t Tolerate Abuse.
  8. Keep Lines of Communication Open.

What should I ask in PTM meeting?

Question you should ask at PTM ( Parent Teacher Meeting )

  • How is my child behaviour?
  • Is my child socially engaged?
  • According to you, how my child performs in academics?
  • What do you think, my child is good at?
  • What are my child’s strength and weakness?
  • Does my child need more attention in anything?

Why is PTM important to parents?

It is necessary to share responsibility and accountability with parent for the holistic development of a child. Parent is directly responsible for child progress at home and in the school. In fact, it is necessary to develop a strong bridge between parent and educator. PTM is a junction to meet the needs of child.

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What is PTSA?

PTSA stands for Parent Teacher Student Association. PTSA VISION. Make Every Student’s Potential a Reality! PTSA MISSION. “To Be A Powerful Voice For ALL STUDENTS, To Be A Positive.