
What happens to phone number when you cancel service?

What happens to phone number when you cancel service?

Once you have cancelled your service, you are returning your phone number to the carrier. You will no longer own that number.

What happens when you don’t pay your phone bill with T-Mobile?

If you don’t pay your mobile phone contract, your account will go into arrears. Your mobile provider could cut your phone off so you’re unable to make or receive calls. If you don’t take steps to deal with the debt, your account will default and the contract will be cancelled.

How long can you not pay your T-Mobile bill?

Your account can be less than 30 days past the due date to initiate a payment arrangement but if it’s 31+ days past due, you may be required to pay a portion of your past due balance. Click the button below to log in to your My T-Mobile account to view your options.

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How can I get someone off my T-Mobile plan?

Contact the customer service of the carrier and simply request to have your line removed from the plan. You may be able to create your own unique account or your line may be added as a sub-account to the main account. You can also change the plan so you receive an individual plan.

Can I just stop paying my phone bill?

If you do not pay your bill, it will show up on your credit report and your debt will fall into collections. From then on, your service will be stopped, collectors will contact you and try to get the debt paid back.

Can you temporarily deactivate a tmobile phone?

You can suspend your monthly T-Mobile service for one of the following reasons: Your device was lost or stolen. You won’t be using your phone for a while. You’re about to enter active military service.

Can you temporarily deactivate a T-Mobile phone?

Can I separate my tmobile account?

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Splitting up the accounts will involve what’s called a “Change of Responsibility”. You will need to initiate a brand new account and request that the 2 lines that you are wishing to separate be moved over.