
What happens to time period when amplitude increases?

What happens to time period when amplitude increases?

As Time Period increases displacement decreases. As Amplitude increases displacement increases. Therefore using displacement as a parameter. Having displacement increase means that Amplitude increases and Time Period decrease.

What will be the effect on the time period if the amplitude of simple pendulum increases?

As the amplitudeof the pendulum increases, the period increases.

What is the relation between period and amplitude?

Simple harmonic motion can be expressed as any location (in our case, the x location) as a function of time, with the following two elements: Amplitude: The distance from the center of motion to either extreme. Period: The amount of time it takes for one complete cycle of motion.

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What is the period of the simple harmonic motion?

The period T and frequency f of a simple harmonic oscillator are given by T=2π√mk T = 2 π m k and f=12π√km f = 1 2 π k m , where m is the mass of the system.

Do you think the amplitude of the pendulum’s vibration has any effect on its frequency?

Amplitude. Amplitude refers to the angle of swing, or how far back the pendulum swings. Experiment with different starting points and you discover that the amplitude does not affect the swing rate. It will take the pendulum the same amount of time to return to its starting point.

What is amplitude pendulum?

Amplitude. The amplitude is the maximum displacement of the bob from its equilibrium position. When the pendulum is at rest, not swinging, it hangs straight down.

What happens to the time period of simple pendulum if the gravity at a place is decreased?

here it is clear that time period, T is inversely proportional to square root of acceleration due to gravity, g. so, if g is decreased, time period of simple pendulum increased. hence, time period increase of a simple pendulum if the gravity of place decreased.

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Does period depend on the amplitude of oscillation?

In fact, though, the pendulum is not quite a simple harmonic oscillator: the period does depend on the amplitude, but provided the angular amplitude is kept small, this is a small effect. The mass cancels between the two sides, pendulums of different masses having the same length behave identically.

What is the relation between period and amplitude of oscillation?