
What happens when you break a bone in the military?

What happens when you break a bone in the military?

The recruit will be treated for the fractured bone. Depending on “Which bone” if the recruit is capable of continuing training, he/she will likely be set back into the next available company and continue Basic Training. If the fracture prevents continuation, the recruit will be discharged due to Medical condition.

What happens if you get injured while in the military?

The general rule is that the Army will not compensate Soldiers for an injury or illness sustained outside of military service. The bottom line is, a Soldier’s benefits will be decided by whether the Soldier’s injury or illness was incurred while performing military duties.

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What is the hardest bootcamp?

Marine Corps Basic Training Largely considered the toughest basic training program of the United States Armed Forces, Marine training is 12 weeks of physical, mental, and moral transformation.

What happens if you get injured in the military while training?

If it’s really minor, s/he might just continue on with the training. A major injury will usually lead to a medical discharge. Depends on the severity of your injury. If its mild the recruit “should” continue with their platoon training as physical toughness is obviously important.

Are braceability boots good for ankle sprains and broken ankles?

Reviewers state that the boot helps heal their ankle sprain and broken ankle well, as it provides good support to the injured area. While the BraceAbility boot is made of metal material, this boot has plastic model uprights with steel reinforcement for increased durability.

Can I receive VA disability benefits while in boot camp?

Essentially, the date you start boot camp or basic training, you are on active duty and therefore subject to service connection for any disabilities incurred. Active duty service members cannot receive VA disability benefits while on active duty as they are not yet considered veterans.

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Is service-connected compensation available for boot camp injuries?

Again, service-connected compensation is available for all active duty injuries (including those that happened in boot camp) except those that resulted from willful misconduct or while AWOL (i.e. absent without official leave).