
What happens when you pin a tweet on Twitter?

What happens when you pin a tweet on Twitter?

3. Scroll through your tweets until you find the one you wish to pin to the top of your page. 4. Tap the downward-pointing arrow, then tap “Pin to your profile.”

Do pinned tweets show up in feed?

As long as you don’t unpin it or replace it by a new pinned Tweet, it stays at the top of your feed and on your main page. It won’t show up over and over in the stream of people who already follow you.

What do you put in a pinned tweet?

4 Great Tweets to Pin to Your Profile

  1. Introduce Yourself. Considering many people who visit your profile for the first time won’t know a lot about you, it would be wise to pin a tweet that shares what you’re all about.
  2. Share a Link to Your Latest Content.
  3. Promote Your Email Opt-In.
  4. Talk About an Offering During a Launch.
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Does pinning a tweet delete it?

Go to your profile, tap on the inverted triangle in the top right of the pinned tweet, and select the “Unpin from profile” option. Confirm the removal with “Unpin,” and the tweet will be removed from the top of your profile. Tip: Deleting the tweet will also unpin it if that wasn’t obvious.

What happens when you unpin a tweet?

Unpinning a Pinned Tweet from Your Profile Confirm the removal with “Unpin,” and the tweet will be removed from the top of your profile. Tip: Deleting the tweet will also unpin it if that wasn’t obvious. Below, you can see a profile with a pinned tweet (left) and after removing it (right).

Can you pin someone else’s tweet on your profile?

No you cannot pin anyone else’s tweet to your own profile. Twitter does not allow this – only your own tweets can be pinned to your profile. What you need to do is first retweet the pin and then pin in your profile.

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How do you make a good pinned tweet on Twitter?

Once you find the tweet, click the three dots at the top-right corner of the tweet to open a menu. In the menu that appears, select “Pin to your profile.” Twitter displays a prompt saying your tweet will replace any previously pinned tweets.

How many tweets can you pin?

pin one Tweet
Pin your best Tweet You can choose what to pin by tapping the icon at the top right of a Tweet and choosing “Pin to your profile.” You can only pin one Tweet at a time, so check out what others have pinned for inspiration, or find new Tweets of yours to switch pins often!