
What hybrid club can replace a 3 wood?

What hybrid club can replace a 3 wood?

A low-lofted hybrid (14° to 17°) is ideally suited to replace your 3-wood or your 5-wood. This club is easier to hit than a long iron off the fairway. If you use a 5-wood or a 7-wood, a moderate-lofted hybrid (18° to 22°) can replace either one of those clubs and can also be substituted for a 3- or 4-iron.

What is a 18 degree hybrid equivalent to?

An 18 degree hybrid is equivalent to a 2 iron or 5 wood. A 3 wood is generally 15 degrees. There are some 15 degree hybrids on the market but if you use the 3 wood off the tee, the bigger head is an advantage I think.

Does a 3 hybrid go as far as a 3 wood?

The distance that you can achieve with a 3-wood is far greater than that of the 3-hybrid, provided it is struck correctly. As the 3-hybrid is a replacement for the 3-iron you can expect to achieve somewhere between 180 and 210 yards with a 3-hybrid.

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What iron does a 18 degree hybrid replace?

Thomas AT725 Loft Replaces a Thomas :
1 Hybrid Iron 16° 1 Iron / 4 wood
2 Hybrid Iron 18° 2 Iron / 5 wood
3 Hybrid Iron 21° 3 Iron / 7 wood
4 Hybrid Iron 24° 4 Iron / 9 wood

Are hybrids or woods easier to hit?

Hybrids are more forgiving and easier to hit than long irons or fairway woods. Hybrids are typically used to replace some of the more difficult to hit long irons in the average golfer’s bag.

How far should I hit a 3 hybrid?

Even though generally a 3-hybrid replaces a 3-iron, an average golfer will probably hit the ball a bit further distance using the hybrid, typically 10 yards further….Hybrid and Long Iron Distance Comparison Table.

Club Average distance Loft
3-hybrid 190 yards 21-24
4-hybrid 180 yards 25-28
5-hybrid 170 yards 28-32

Which hybrid club is equivalent to a 3-iron?

19 degree hybrid
Typically, a 3-iron is replaced by a 19 degree hybrid or a 5-wood, a 4-iron is replaced by a 22 degree hybrid or a 7-wood, a 5-iron is replaced by a 25 degree hybrid, and a 6-iron is replaced by a 28 degree hybrid.

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Does a hybrid replace a fairway wood?

Hybrid golf clubs help fill in the gap between your harder-to-hit irons and fairway woods. They are designed for distance, trajectory, control and playability, combining features from irons and fairway woods. They could even replace a fairway wood or iron in your bag.