
What if you could control weak force?

What if you could control weak force?

If the practitioner can have very fine grained control over the weak force on bulk materials, the possibility exists that they could trigger specific modes of radioactive decay in specific elements, causing them to become other, possibly more useful, (and perhaps even stable) elements.

What does the weak nuclear force control?

The weak force, also called the weak nuclear interaction, is responsible for particle decay. This is the literal change of one type of subatomic particle into another. So, for example, a neutrino that strays close to a neutron can turn the neutron into a proton while the neutrino becomes an electron.

What is weak nuclear force able to act on?

The weak interaction acts upon left-handed fermions—i.e., elementary particles with half-integer values of intrinsic angular momentum, or spin—and right-handed antifermions. Particles interact through the weak interaction by exchanging force-carrier particles known as the W and Z particles.

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What would happen if the weak nuclear force didn’t exist?

If the weak nuclear force ceased to exist radioactive decay involving the conversion of protons into neutrons and vice versa would no longer be possible. If either force ceased to exist all stars would be unable to produce energy by fusion. The Universe would become a very cold place.

Why is the weak nuclear force important?

The weak force plays an important role in nuclear fusion, the reaction that powers the sun and thermonuclear (hydrogen) bombs. The first step in hydrogen fusion is to smash two protons together with enough energy to overcome the mutual repulsion they experience due to the electromagnetic force.

How do we know weak nuclear force exists?

The model of the weak interaction was created to explain the radioactive decays. In 1983 the UA1 and UA2 experiments at CERN found these three particles, proving not only that the weak interaction exists but also showing that the theoretical model was very accurate in predicting the existence of the three particles.

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Can we control the strong force?

The user can manipulate the strong force which holds together atomic nuclei, they can make objects disintegrate or make protons/neutrons from the environment incorporated into chemical elements and vice versa. This effectively allows the user to control atomic reactions and motions.

What are nuclear forces give their important properties?

The nuclear force has the following properties:

  • The strong nuclear force binds protons and neutrons in a nucleus.
  • Strong nuclear force is the strongest force in nature.
  • It is a short-range force and is operative only over the size of nucleus.
  • Strong nuclear force is responsible for the stability of nuclei.