
What IP address range should I use?

What IP address range should I use?

My recommendations are:- Your Router or whatever you set as your gateway to the Internet Your network switch. Not all switches can have (or need) an IP address assigned to them to Other special devices that require a static IP address

Why does IP address start with 172?

Originally Answered: What is a 172 IP address? It depends on the 2nd octet. If the 1st octet is 172 and the 2nd octet of a IPv4 address is 16–31, you have a private IP address, similar to 192.168. x.x or 10.

What is the 192.168 IP range?

Using 192.168. 192.168. 0.0 is the beginning of the private IP address range that includes all IP addresses through 192.168. 255.255. This IP address is usually not used on a network, and a phone or computer wouldn’t be assigned this address.

What are the three ranges of IP addresses?

By even casual observation, you’ll likely have noticed that there are several IP address ranges that are special, including:

  • 10.0. 0.0/8 (10.0. 0.0 – 10.255. 255.255)
  • 172.16. 0.0/12 (172.16. 0.0 – 172.31. 255.255)
  • 192.168. 0.0/16 (192.168. 0.0 – 192.168. 255.255)
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What RFC 1918 addresses?

An RFC1918 address is an IP address that is assigned by an enterprise organization to an internal host. These IP addresses are used in private networks, which are not available, or reachable, from the Internet. In fact, one of the basic requirements of the Internet is that each host has a unique IP address.

What does IP address 28 mean?

Answer: 28 is a subnet mask. IP address has 32 bits in total. 28 denotes network ID while rest of the bits (which are 4 bits) are used for hosts.

How do I calculate my IP address range?

255.248 or /29.

  1. Step 1: Convert to Binary.
  2. Step 2: Calculate the Subnet Address. To calculate the IP Address Subnet you need to perform a bit-wise AND operation (1+1=1, 1+0 or 0+1 =0, 0+0=0) on the host IP address and subnet mask.
  3. Step 3: Find Host Range.
  4. Step 4: Calculate the Total Number of Subnets and.
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What IP is 192.168 0.1 address?

Well, the address is a private IP address that is often the default address for certain broadband routers – mostly Netgear and D-Link models.