
What is a Deodexed ROM Android?

What is a Deodexed ROM Android?

Deodexing is basically repackaging of these APKs in a certain way, such that they are reassembled into classes. dex files. By doing that, all pieces of an application package are put together back in one place, thus eliminating the worry of a modified APK conflicting with some separate odexed parts.

How do I know if my ROM is Deodexed?

If your ROM is Odexed you can see the*. apkand*. odex*file in the app directory. If your ROM is Deodexed you will not see any*.

What is an odex file?

An ODEX file is created by the Android operating system to increase the boot speed of an Android app (an . It is located alongside an APK file and contains optimized code that speeds up the app load process. ODEX files are the optimized versions of . DEX files, which contain the executable code for an Android app.

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What is Deodexed ROM mean?

A “deodexed” ROM is one where data that would be optimized in the . odex files has been more or less merged back into the . apk files (meaning it is not optimized but basically platform agnostic), thus the . apk files are self-contained and there are no . odex files.

How do you Deodex an app?

[1] Make a folder on sdcard. and place the file you want to deodex and their respective odex file.. [2] now click on appname. apk file and select decompile all and wait till complete.

What is odex patcher?

odex_patcher for Android odex file is an Optimized . dex file (hence the ‘o’), meaning that it has been optimized for a specific platform. The advantage to this is that startup time is much faster since the VM doesn’t have to perform any optimizing at startup/runtime.

How do I convert APK file to odex?

1 Answer

  1. Create a /dir/odex on your Android device.
  2. Save next script as in /dir/odex, give it execute permission 777 #!/system/bin/sh cd /dir/odex for filename in `find . –
  3. Obtain following binaries from com.modaco.odexme.apk\assets.
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What is difference between Odexed and Deodexed?

odex files are added to the apk under the name classes. dex. Deodexed is a lot easier for modding/themes/hacking, because the data is found within the APK. System apps are easier to delete, since only the APK must also be deleted.

How do I Deodex my android?

custom ROMs or APKs are always deodexed to ensure integrity….

  1. open zip given as archive. (use 7. zip but DO NOT EXTRACT.)
  2. go to system/app folder & paste here all your deodexed apk’s.
  3. same for for system/framework to paste framework files.
  4. done, paste it in your SD-Card & flash through CWM.