
What is a good concordance in the Bible?

What is a good concordance in the Bible?

Strong’s Concordance, produced by James Strong and colleagues, is the most popular and useful Biblical concordance. The Strongest Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible includes: The standard concordance. A concordance of articles, conjunctions, particles, prepositions and pronouns.

What exactly is a concordance?

Concordance happens when everything agrees. Your words may be in concordance with your actions — that means they’re expressing the same thing. Concordance traces back to the Latin word concordans, meaning “being of one mind.” When things are in concordance, it’s as if they’re of one mind: they agree or are in harmony.

What is a Bible commentary used for?

Bible commentaries are typically organized passage by passage (book, chapter, and verse) through the Bible. This system of analysis is called “versification” of the biblical text. Commentaries are meant to be used alongside the Bible text to offer deeper insight, explanation, illustration, and historical background.

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What is the purpose of Strong’s Concordance?

The purpose of Strong’s Concordance is not to provide content or commentary about the Bible, but to provide an index to the Bible. This allows the reader to find words where they appear in the Bible. This index allows a student of the Bible to re-find a phrase or passage previously studied.

What is Bible concordance?

A Bible concordance is a concordance, or verbal index, to the Bible. A simple form lists Biblical words alphabetically, with indications to enable the inquirer to find the passages of the Bible where the words occur.

What is an example of a concordance?

The definition of concordance is an agreement, or an alphabetical list of primary words used by an author. An example of a concordance is two friends agreeing to go into business in a certain way. An example of a concordance is a list showing how many times the word Jesus shows up in the Bible and in what passages.

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When was Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible first published?

Strong’s Concordance/Originally published
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible 1986 Edition. Original printing in 1890. Fully updated. The Classic Reference Concordance Standard for over 120 years.