
What is a nucleoid Class 12?

What is a nucleoid Class 12?

Answer: A nucleoid is an irregular shape region in a prokaryotic cell that comprises most of the genetic material known as genophore. The nucleoid possesses no such protective membrane and is not separated from the other components of the prokaryotic cell.

What is a nucleoid short answer?

The nucleoid (meaning nucleus-like) is an irregularly shaped region within the prokaryotic cell that contains all or most of the genetic material. In contrast to the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell, it is not surrounded by a nuclear membrane.

What is nucleoid in an atom?

By definition, a nucleoid is a region within a prokaryotic cell that contains most or all of the genetic material. This material is called the genophore or the prokaryotic chromosome. DNA is found in both the nucleus and nucleoid.

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What is the nucleoid and what does it do?

The nucleoid region is the irregularly-shaped section of a prokaryotic cell where DNA is housed. It lacks the membrane that is found around the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. In addition to DNA, the nucleoid may also contain RNA, proteins, and enzymes that can be used for cellular processes.

What is the Nucleoid Class 9?

Nucleoid is the undefined nuclear region containing only nucleic acids, in the prokaryotic cells. It is not bounded by a nuclear membrane and lies in direct contact with the cytoplasm.

What is Nucleoid in biology class 9?

Hint: Nucleoid is an irregular-shaped region of a prokaryotic cell which consists of the genetic material mostly. It is not present in a defined state.

What is a Nucleoid Class 9 biology?

What are Nucleoid Class 9?

Nucleoid is the undefined nuclear region containing only nucleic acids, in the prokaryotic cells. It transports the material in and out of the cell. It is also reponsible for the formation of lysosomes.

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What does a genophore do?

noun. The structure that carries the genetic information of a cell, organelle, or virus; specifically the simple DNA strand of a prokaryote or plastid (as distinguished from a chromosome of a eukaryote).

What do you mean by genophore?

A genophore is the DNA of a prokaryote. It is commonly referred to as a prokaryotic chromosome. The genophore is compacted through a mechanism known as supercoiling, but a chromosome is additionally compacted through the use of chromatin. The genophore is circular in most prokaryotes, and linear in very few.

What are plasmids Class 11?

A plasmid is a small, extrachromosomal DNA molecule within a cell that is physically separated from chromosomal DNA and can replicate independently. They are most commonly found as small circular, double-stranded DNA molecules in bacteria; however, plasmids are sometimes found in archaea and eukaryotic organisms.