
What is a philosophical Movies?

What is a philosophical Movies?

Thought-provoking movies are often considered philosophical, as they raise fundamental questions that upend everything we take for granted in normal life. Such movies tend to revolve around characters that are involved in some kind of an existential crisis or people experiencing a life or death situation.

What are the philosophical themes?


  • Aesthetics. Animals.
  • Astrology and magic. Atomism.
  • Being and Existence. Causality.
  • Censorship and free speech. Cosmology.
  • Determinism and Fate. Economics and wealth.
  • Emotion and sentiment. Epistemology (Theory of Knowledge)
  • Eternity of the Universe. Ethics.
  • Evil and Suffering. Free Will.

Is interstellar philosophical?

Interstellar is deeply philosophical in that it prompts not merely the question of the meaning of my life, your life, or an individual’s life, but the question of the meaning of the life of the human race as a whole.

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Is there a movie about Aristotle?

A film that examines Aristotle’s discoveries about nature on the island of Lesvos and how they influenced his views on human biology. A film that examines Aristotle’s discoveries about nature on the island of Lesvos and how they influenced his views on human biology. …

What is lysis about Socrates?

Socrates finds himself in a wrestling school frequented by young men who, between their classes, like to discuss various topics. Socrates does exactly that and Lysis approaches with his friend Menexenus. He begins by asking Lysis, who is obviously underage, whether his parents allow him to do whatever he wishes (207d).

What is the philosophy of Plato?

In metaphysics Plato envisioned a systematic, rational treatment of the forms and their interrelations, starting with the most fundamental among them (the Good, or the One); in ethics and moral psychology he developed the view that the good life requires not just a certain kind of knowledge (as Socrates had suggested) …

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Is there a Socrates movie?

Sócrates is a 2018 Brazilian drama film directed by Alexandre Moratto and starring Christian Malheiros—both in their feature film debuts….Sócrates (film)

Directed by Alexandre Moratto
Screenplay by Thayná Mantesso Alexandre Moratto