
What is a reasonable temperature for a house in summer?

What is a reasonable temperature for a house in summer?

78 degrees
Any time you’re awake and at home during the summer, the ideal thermostat temperature is 78 degrees. This home temperature for energy efficiency lowers your cooling bills by 12 percent compared to keeping it at 74 degrees. If you’re afraid 78 degrees is too warm, remember to dress for the season.

What temperature should house be at in winter?

68 degrees Fahrenheit
For winter, the ideal thermostat temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re at home. 68 degrees is a good room temperature while you’re awake at home, but recommends lowering it while you’re asleep or away. Lowering your thermostat 10-15 degrees for eight hours can reduce your heating bill by 5-15\%.

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Can you get sick from your house being too hot?

The body usually cools itself off by sweating, but sometimes sweating is not enough and heat illness can happen. A heat illness can be very mild, like a skin rash, or more serious, even heat stroke. rises above 106° F. It can lead to death, if the person does not get medical attention right away.

What indoor temperature is too hot for elderly?

One heating and air conditioning company recommends maintaining indoor temperature between 68 and 74 degrees; similarly, the researchers behind that European study recommend that seniors keep the temperature at 68 degrees or warmer.

Can you leave a house unheated in the winter?

Almost any room in the house can be closed off for the winter or at least have the temperature substantially reduced. But not every room can go entirely unheated because the flooring may crack, any plaster cracks will widen, and ice may form inside on the windows and ruin their finish.

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How do you adjust the heat on a two story house?

The general rule of thumb for a two-story home is that you should set each thermostat two degrees Fahrenheit apart from the other. During the summer, when your AC is running, set the upper floor at the temperature you actually want in your home. Then set each floor underneath that to two degrees warmer.