
What is a split alignment?

What is a split alignment?

A split-alignment is a pairwise sequence alignment in which different parts of the query align to disjoint regions in the reference. Split-alignments are important in comparative genomic studies as they provide direct evidence of rearrangements such as large deletions, inversions, or chromosomal translocations.

What is mapping in RNA-seq?

One of the foundational steps in the RNA-seq data analysis is mapping (alignment) of the large sets of sequenced reads to a reference genome. In addition to detecting of annotated and novel splice junctions, STAR is capable of discovering more complex RNA sequence arrangements, such as chimeric and circular RNA.

What is a read in RNA-seq?

In DNA sequencing, a read is an inferred sequence of base pairs (or base pair probabilities) corresponding to all or part of a single DNA fragment. The set of fragments is referred to as a sequencing library, which is sequenced to produce a set of reads.

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What is read mapping?

Read mapping is the process to align the reads on a reference genomes. A mapper takes as input a reference genome and a set of reads.

What are discordant reads?

A discordant read-pair is a pair of reads from the same fragment/insert whose alignments to the reference genome have distance and/or orientation that differ from expected if the entire fragment was contiguous on the reference genome.

How do you split alignment in Civil 3d?


  1. From Home ribbon click on Alignment>Create Alignment from Existing Alignment.
  2. Select alignment you would like to use as starting.
  3. Select start and end split point and hit F letter (Finish)
  4. Name your new alignment.
  5. Select original alignment and delete part you wish to remove.

What is read alignment?

An aligned read, is a sequence that has been aligned to a common reference genome. Typically these reads can number from the hundreds of thousands to tens of millions.

What is the difference between mapping and alignment?

In mapping, generally speaking, you’re alining short nucleotide sequences against a long reference nucleotide sequence. In alignment on the other hand, you generally have a bunch of sequences (nucleotide or protein) that you want to align against each other.

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What is a read count?

The Read Count quantitation is the simplest and most commonly used quantitation. It counts up the reads within a probe and can correct this raw count according to a few different factors which might bias the result – allowing it to be compared to other data sets.

What is mapping in bioinformatics?

The mapping is the process of comparing each one of the reads with the reference genome. We will obtain one alignment, or more, between each read and the genome. Sequence Mapping ( pdf ) Like for any other bioinformatic task there is a lot of mapping software available.

What is a discordant alignment?

A discordant alignment is an alignment where both mates align uniquely, but that does not satisfy the paired-end constraints (`–fr`/`–rf`/`–ff`, `-I`, `-X`).