
What is a subroutine?

What is a subroutine?

In computer programming, a subroutine is a sequence of program instructions that performs a specific task, packaged as a unit. In different programming languages, a subroutine may be called a routine, subprogram, function, method, or procedure.

What is a subroutine vs function?

Functions and subroutines operate similarly but have one key difference. A function is used when a value is returned to the calling routine, while a subroutine is used when a desired task is needed, but no value is returned.

Why do we use subroutine?

Subroutines make programs shorter as well as easier to read and understand, because they break program code into smaller sections. This makes programs easier to debug. When creating very large programs, you can give different programmers different subroutines to write, and these can then be combined.

How does def work in Python?

In Python, defining the function works as follows. def is the keyword for defining a function. The function name is followed by parameter(s) in (). After function definition is complete, calling the function with an argument returns a value.

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Is subroutine same as method?

A subroutine is something you can call that returns to you. A function is a subroutine that returns a a value. A method is a subroutine or function that you can call on an object in an OO language.

Is subroutine and procedure the same?

A procedure is a subroutine that performs a specific task. When the task is complete, the subroutine ends and the main program continues from where it left off.

What are the advantages of sub programming?

There are several advantages to using subprograms:

  • They help keep the code simple, and, thus, more readable;
  • They allow the programmer to use the same code as many times as needed throughout the program;
  • They allow the programmer to define needed functions; and,
  • They can be used in other programs.