
What is a unique feature of Spark?

What is a unique feature of Spark?

The main feature of Spark is its in-memory cluster computing that increases the processing speed of an application. Spark is designed to cover a wide range of workloads such as batch applications, iterative algorithms, interactive queries and streaming.

What is a Spark 2?

Apache Spark 2.0. 0 is the first release on the 2. x line. The major updates are API usability, SQL 2003 support, performance improvements, structured streaming, R UDF support, as well as operational improvements. In addition, this release includes over 2500 patches from over 300 contributors.

What are the advantages of Apache Hive?

Apache Hive Features

Features Explanation
Storage Hive supports users to access files from HDFS, Apache HBase, Amazon S3, etc.
Capable Hive is capable to process very large datasets of Petabytes in size.
Helps in processing unstructured data We can easily embed custom MapReduce code with Hive to process unstructured data.
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What is the advantage and disadvantage of spark?

Pros and Cons of Apache Spark

Apache Spark Advantages Disadvantages
Advanced Analytics Fewer Algorithms
Dynamic in Nature Small Files Issue
Multilingual Window Criteria
Apache Spark is powerful Doesn’t suit for a multi-user environment

What is the main advantage of spark over MapReduce What design feature leads to this advantage?

As for the fundamental difference between these two frameworks, it is their innate approach to data processing. While MapReduce processes data by reading from and writing on the disk, Spark can do in in-memory. Thus, Spark gets an advantage over MapReduce – of speedy processing.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of Spark?

What is the main advantage of Spark over MapReduce What design feature leads to this advantage?