
What is a yard sale called in Australia?

What is a yard sale called in Australia?

I moved to Australia over twenty years and have certainly seen them ever since. Other terms for garage sale are “yard sale”, “rummage sale” and “moving sale”. Someone posted a “demolition sale” on this site. In America, they are also called “barn sale” or “junk sale”.

What time does the world’s longest yard sale start?

The 690-mile yard sale will run from August 5-8 from roughly 8am until dark each day. It extends from Gadsden, Alabama, to Addison, Michigan, and goes through six states.

How long is the World’s longest yard?

690 miles
The 127 Yard Sale is commonly referred to as “The World’s Longest Yard Sale”. That’s because it really is the longest yard sale in the world. To be exact, it’s 690 miles long and the route travels through 6 states; Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama.

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Why do people type next?

Next – People use this to let the seller know they are interested in the item if someone has already shown interest before them.

What do Americans call boot sales?

In the U.S. such a thing would probably be called a flea market (swap meet). There are also yard / garage sales.

Do British people have yard sales?

In the UK, people rarely set out garage or yard sales in front of their own houses. Instead, they have giant meets where people who have had a clear out or who need to raise a bit of cash, bring their unwanted goods to sell.

Where is the longest flea market?

Technically the world’s largest yard sale, the flea market known as the 127 Corridor is certainly the LONGEST outdoor market. Beginning on a highway in Jamestown, TN, this flea stretches hundreds of miles through North Covington, Kentucky, and continues all the way to Gadsden, Alabama.

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Where is the world’s longest garage sale?

The 127 Yard Sale is an annual event that takes place the first Thursday-Sunday in August each year. It’s literally, The World’s Longest Yard Sale! The route spans 6 states (Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama) and is 690 miles long.

How long is the world’s longest yard sale?

The 127 Yard Sale is an annual event that takes place the first Thursday-Sunday in August each year. It’s literally, The World’s Longest Yard Sale! The route spans 6 states (Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama) and is 690 miles long.

Why is it called the 127 Yard Sale?

The 127 Yard Sale is commonly referred to as “The World’s Longest Yard Sale”. That’s because it really is the longest yard sale in the world. To be exact, it’s 690 miles long and the route travels through 6 states; Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama.

What does the comment f mean?

To pay respects. It’s a joke from Call of Duty.

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What does Poos mean in garage sales?

Get the latest info in our weekly Let’s Go newsletter! PPU, POOS, ISO, NIB, EUC. These are the acronyms of the savvy swapper. For the record, they stand for Porch Pick Up, Posted On Other Sites, In Search Of, New in Box and Excellent Used Condition. In the age of social media, online swaps represent garage sales 2.0.